Ad 0173 ITALIAN RESTAURANT & Trazzo Lounge LUNCH DAILY SPECIALS $6.95 Monday thru l~fiday ll'~0~n-2~30pm Many entrees to choose from served with soup or salad and a choice of spaghetti or vegetables · Fresh Homemade Pastas & Desserts Daily · FULL MENU AVAILABLE DINNER Mondsy-Saturday 5pm-10:30pm Community Meeting Notice North Beach Quality of Life Committee Wednesday, May 14, 6:00 p,m, Shane Watersports Center 6500 Indian Creek Drive, Miami Beach BEACH Residents, property owners, and business owners are invited to attend to help develop spending recommendations for City of Miami Beach-funded community improvement/tourism enhancement projects to be undertaken in North Beach this year. ~dditional Meeting will be held Monday, May lgth at 6:00 p.m. (If Needed). For more information, call North Beach Development Corporation at 305-865-4147 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING .......... NOTICE IS HEREBY Given that a pub{k: hearing will be held by the City Commission of the City ol Miami Beach, in the Commission Chembem, ~d Itonr, City Hall, 1700 Coca~n~ion Cante~ Doit, Miami Beach, FIo~da, on Wednesday, ~ 21, 2003 at 10:00 Lin., to consider accepting a recommendation ¢I the chairman and mambos of Ihe RDA, recommending apflrovst (~ cetlain amendments 1o a) Ihe Qty Ce~et Hislotic Comanlkm Vi#age Rede~lopmeal and Revitalization Area Plan and b) Ihe Soulh P~n~a Revitalization ~,as Plan, an approved I~lo~t Ran under the Slatutes; said Amemdrnanls providing Ior the imptomanla~ion o~ Community Policing nrc)rations wilhin the Districts, as pcovided lot in SeceDes 163.340, 163.350, 163.356, 163.360, 163.361, and 163.370, Florida Slstutas, INQUIRIES may be directed to the Redovelopmenl Agency ALL Ih'TERESYED I~Jtl3E$ am invited th appear at thin heating be re~resen~d by an agenl, or to express their vie~s in writing addressed to the City CaTimiss~n, do the C~ty C~'k, 1700 Convention Center ~ 1st I=}oe¢, ~ Hall, Miami Beach, I:le~de 33139. This me~ing nay be conlinued and under mxYa circumstances Robert E. Percher, City Clerk CNy el Miami Beach 'ursuanl ~o SeXton 286.0105, Fla. SIAL, the Cly hereby aOvises the pt~ic that: if a ~mu~ a~mibes to appeal my derision m~ by the C~/Cornmlastoo with respect to any matte¢ coa~idered at Is nseeti~j or its hoariag, such person must entire that a vefoalim record of 1he Ixo~a~ings is made, whidn reco~ inck~les the testimony and evidence upon which Ihe aopeal ia ~o be based. This no~ico (~es eel conaitute consent by the City ~ Ihe istroduaian or admission of othe~ise inadmiss~e of irre~want e'ddence, n~ ak)es i~ authorize challenges or appeais no{ aben~ise allowed by law. In accordance wRh the amecicane with Dimbildlas Act of 19~0, bemons needing ~oeclal aex'a~mdatton to participate in this proceeding, or to pe~sans with disabliibes, or to r~uest this pubecmiaa in accesslala foa~al, or to request e~ language i~te~eters, slmuld contact the City Cia~'s office at (305) 673-7411, ~ t~ter thaa lout days ~ to the proceeding, if hesr~§ ~i~ed, ~tact Ihe Cty Cisrk'e office via Ihe F~ida Reisy Service cumins, {800} 955-8771 (TTY) o¢ (800) 955-8770 (VOICE). Ad #170 May 11 , 2003 (11:00o.m. lilS:OOp.m.) $") 50 h, lu, es: Ju e, /... ~ Mimosa, fresh fruit sala~ per person and your choice of: Slarters ~.. Smoked Salmon plale with cq)ers onion, a'anm [heese & pila SFdflg syeens soled, cucumbm, eta, tomutoes & olive with a leman-chain1 viankjralte Form Ih'ns~uflo and kesh Idack miss~an figs drizz ed wilh lavendns honey Main plates ~.-.. Iosque teds, fTnh eggs, ontutoes and Spanish dmese bokd wiPA roasted peppen, eeions md Imnutoes. ~erved wilJl dressed greens and k~edilerrmean sausage ), rosemary peHifons end either bosun Lemmv'Soge ~r~cl Stopper, julienne zucchini and rustic couscous 'Greek Molher's' braised I~b & peosant pilaf Grilled ~cken Paposdefle, Imby vegetddes, pecodAe and on he~ tomuto-bay bouillon. let o! Summer peads, Tad Tadin wid~ yogurt Cr~me Clmnflfiy House, Fislo[~o Bakk]vo Reservations recommended Efta Restauranl' In 8al Harbour Shops 9700 Collins Ave, #13.5 Bal Harbour, FL 331:54 305-866-2727 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC H RINGS Hall, 1700 Convanlpm Contw ~ive, Miami Beach, F~xicis, an Wedmed~y, May 21, 2003, at REODIHEMENTS FOR HOUSING FOR LOW ANWOR MODERATE INCOME ELDERLY; PROV~OING FOR REPEALER; COOtRCATION; SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. kRuirias may ba dkecled to the Pianaing Dep~tm~t at (305) 673-7550 PROVIDED BY A FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 'SOFT' MATO'I, UTLIZING at 11:15 e.m.: at 2:~0 p,m.: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE LA, ND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI B~ACH, BY AMENDING CRAFTER 142, 'ZONING DISTRICTS /eNO REGULATIONS,' ARTICLE II, 'DISTRICT REGULATIONS,' DIVISION 18, 'IS PERFORMANCE STANOARD DISTRICT,' SEC. 142-693, 'PERMITTED USES,' BY RESTRICTING ENTERTAINMENT ESTASLAHMENTS AND OPEN AIR ENTERTAINMENT ESTA6USHMENTS IN THE R-IS4, RESDENTI/d. RICH DENSITY PERFORMANCE STANDARDS AND IN THE C-PS 1, 3 AND 4, COMMERCIAL PERFORM.~qCE STANDARDS ZONING DISTRICTS; pRO~DING FOR REPEN. ER, CODIFICATION, SEVERAmLflY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Inqui(ms may be dir~ted to the plan~m~ Dep~4~maat at (305) 673-7550 apgeal is 1o be busd. This nutme dans fiD{ Constitute anmefl! bY I~e CNY for Ihe ? bqe Flmida Nelay Se~me aamt]ers, [BDO) 935-8771 {IT'f) m {800) 955-8770 ~VOIGE~, ,