Fax from Frank Del VecchioFREIi"I : Fra. rnk U. Del Uecckio PHONE I',10. : 385 6-?2 8897 JUN. 16 2883 84:89Pi"1 P1 Frank i)elVecchio 301 Ocean Dri~,e Apt. 604 Miami Beach, FL 33139-699I Tel. 305-672-2486 'Fo Jo 305-6 72-0807 e_mall...frankdel~,ecchtc.(a. }att- net June 18,2003 MEMO FOR: City Clerk FROM: Frank Del Vecchio SUB J: Form of Petition for Charter Amendment I am considering being the "initiator" of a city charter amendment initiative petition. [See Charter~ sec. 7.05 reference to the "initiator" of a petition.] My question is does the attached draft petition satisfy the requirement of sec. 7.03 of the Charter that the form of the petition available in the city clerk's office is to be used, Please advise if the form of this draft petition is acceptable, and if not, in what respects. In section 7.01(2) of'the county charter there is a requirement regarding initiative and referendum for ordinances that each person circulating a petition attach a sworn affidavit stating the number of signers and the fact that each signature was made in the presence of the circulator of the petition. The circulator is also to give his residence and precinct number. Although that section is applicable to county matters, does the certification included in the Miami Beach form of petition satisfy requirements, and will the county Department of Elections accept the petitions for certification pursuant to sec. 7,04 of the city code in that form? [Sec. 7.01 (2) of the county code has no requirement for inclusion of the voter registration ID number of a petitioner. Please confirm that the voter ID no. is not required although the Miami Beach form includes a space for that number,] FRDM : Fra. nk U. D~_I t.)~_cchio PHONE NO. : 305 672 8887 JUN. 16 2803 04:09PM P2 ~NITIATIVE PETITION CITY CHARTER AMENDMENT we, the undersigned registered voters of Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, Florida, do hereby petition the City of Miami Beach commission to submit to the registered voters of Miami Beach at the next general election the following amendment to the Miami Beach City Charter, Section 1.03: ~x~~~xXxxxxXxxx~~xxxXXxXxXxxx~~XXXX~~~(X~~x~XXxxXX~XxXX~~~X~x~~xxXXXXX~XXXxxX~XXXxxX ~XXX~~~~~~XX~~XXX~~~~~~~~~~X~XX~~~XXXXXXXX~~XXX~~~~xX~~X~X~~XXX~~~x~~~XXX~~~XXXXXX X~~~XX~XXXx~xXXXx~~XXx~xxXx~~XX~XXXxXX~~~XXXXXX~~xXXX~~~XXxxxXxx~XXX~XXXXX~~~XXXXX This Charter Amendment shall become effective on the day after its approval by the voters and may be enforced by suit by any registered voter. Please sign legibly and print name under signature line. Sign:, Print: Sign: Print: Sign: Print:, Sign: Print: Sign: Print:. Sign: Print: Sign: Print: Sign:, Print: Residence/Address I hereby certify that ,. people signed Signature of person this petition in my presence, circulating petition: Address: Date of Birth Date Signed Print name:, Voter Registra- tion ID Number Date: