030303minutes CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 www.ci.miami-beach.fl.us City Clerk's Office Telephone 305-673-7411 Facsimile 305-673-7254 CITY CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE Minutes of March 3, 2003 Meeting Members in attendance: MEMBERS Steve Zack, Esq. Ricky Arriola, Esq. Abraham Laeser, Esq. Larry Herrup, CPA Honorable Seymour Gelber, Esq. Jonathan Beloff, Esq. Victor Diaz, Esq, (Absent) Jean Olin, Deputy City Attorney Robert E. Parcher, City Clerk Liliam Hatfield, Secretary Members of the public: Dr. Morris Sunshine Members of the board were sworn in by Mr. Robert Parcher, City Clerk. The first meeting of the Charter Review Committee was called to order at 9:01 :05 a.m. by Steve lack following an introduction of members. Mr. Parcher explained the reasons why Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager, was unable to attend the meeting. He will be in attendance at the next meeting. Jean Olin gave a brief orientation. She stated that Commissioner Steinberg raised the issue of the Charter Review regarding runoff elections and he had suggested it be changed to two weeks. Motion was made by Jonathan Beloff to appoint Steve lack as Chair, seconded by Larry Herrup. Motion was made by Seymour Gelber to nominate Jonathan Beloff as Vice-Chair, seconded by Larry Herrup. Steve lack, Chair, and Larry Herrup suggested holding public hearings for public input, and notifying the public through adequate notices through the media. Larry Herrup stated that as appointees the members should get the Commissioners or Mayor in to weigh in on the Charter, so that there is no question that everybody has given opinion as to the Charter. Seymour Gelber stated that the Charter Review process should not be kept in the dark, and added that the City of Miami Beach has had a tradition of appointing members independent of those who appointed them. Commissioners should be treated as equal as people. There needs to be a clear cut line of distinction between the work of the Charter Review Committee and the work of the Commission. Jean Olin, Deputy City Attorney, was asked to give her legal opinion on the issue of members working independently of their appointees. She added that the Charter is reviewed every ten years. Abraham Laeser requested to go back and look at the things that were thought to have been great ideas that were not adopted in the past. Steve Zack assured him he would have an informational packet by the next meeting. Seymour Gelber recommended making certain that the people are invited through the media and public notices and that they are invited to make their proposals. Jonathan Beloff, Vice-Chair, suggested having the Charter available for review in the City Clerk's Office and on the Internet, where questions and suggestions can be submitted. He also suggested the IT Department create an electronic distribution email, i.e. CharterReview~miamibeachfl.Qov and have a designated person to distribute them. It was unanimously agreed that: a) Everyone is independent and will express their own opinions b) Nothing that is part of the Charter is sacrosanct c) There will be three (3) public meetings held at City Hall appropriately noticed and to be scheduled as soon as possible, between first and second reading d) The agenda of items will be listed and publicized in the notices e) Inform that the Charter is available in the City Clerk's Office and on the Internet Mr. Parcher explained that the resolution needs to call for an election between July 7 and September 5 to meet the November 4, 2003 election. Jean Olin stated that July 30, 2003 is the regular scheduled Commission Meeting day. Mr. Parcher requested to have the specific items to be discussed at the meetings, for advertising purposes. The next meeting was scheduled for March 18, 2003 at 5:30 p.m. in the Mayor's Conference Room. Dr. Morris Sunshine spoke regarding the Bill of Rights section and he was assured by Mr. Zack, Chair, that his comments would be included in the next agenda. It was agreed that any correspondence regarding the Charter Review Committee addressed to the City Clerk's Office would be distributed once a week before the meetings. The Chair addressed the issue of parking decals and requested that this be reviewed. He also expressed interest in the appropriateness of holding telephone attendance during meetings. Meeting was adjourned at 9:47:25 a.m. M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\CHARTER\March 03, 2003\March 3, 2003 meeting minutes.doc