City Clerk's Office
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Revised Minutes
March 18, 2003 Meeting
Board Members in attendance:
Chairman, Steve Zack, Esq.
Vice-Chair Jonathan Beloff, Esq.
Ricky Arriola, Esq.
Victor Diaz, Esq
Honorable Seymour Gelber, Esq.
Larry Herrup, CPA
Abraham Laeser, Esq.
Board Liaison Personnel
Jean Olin, Deputy City Attorney
Robert E. Parcher, City Clerk
Liliam Hatfield, Secretary
Meeting called to order at 5:29 p.m.
Members unanimously agreed to set the following dates for future meetings:
4/9 (not televised) and 4/23, 5/6, 5/13 and 5/29 to be televised in the Commission Chambers.
Member Diaz suggested the following issues for Board discussion:
o Amend Citizen's Bill of Rights to include language expressing citizens' right to be free of all forms of
discrimination, including that based upon sexual orientation.
o Amend Citizen's Bill of Rights to include specific language which will ensure requirements of the Sunshine Law
(possibly identifying which meetings shall be public, etc).
o Review of City Charter Section 1.03 (b) regarding referendum requirement prior to disposition of City-owned
waterfront property.
o Review of City Charter Section 1.03 (c) regarding referendum requirement prior to increase in Floor Area Ratio
("FAR") of certain waterfront property.
o Reforming duties and obligations of Mayor and City Commissioners, i.e.: increasing salaries of elected officials
with corresponding prohibition on lobbying City after leaving City service.
o Review of general election/runoff dates-changing election dates from odd-numbered years to even-numbered
years for purposes of achieving greater voter turnout.
Member Herrup suggested setting a deadline for the public for submission of issues for Board discussion via
email at CharterReview@miamibeachfl.gov.
Chairman Zack proposed that by April 9 the Board should have an initial list of issues with the goal of gathering
all proposals submitted and categorize them.
Jorge Gonzalez, City Manager, welcomed the Committee members and thanked them for their work. The
Administration has made resources available to the Committee. He suggested considering some educational
component to educate the public early on in the Charter Review process, and added that this can be done by
televising meetings on Channel 20.
Vice-Chair Beloff made the following recommendation:
1) City Manager, City Attorney, Mayor and Commissioners and the public will be asked for input;
2) categorize items related to the Charter; and
3) set meeting dates for 4/23, 5/6, 5/13 and 5/29 to be advertised and televised.
Motion was made by Member Herrup, to accept the minutes of March 3, 2003; seconded by Member Diaz.
Vote: 6-0. Absent: Chairman Zack.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m. The next meeting was scheduled for April 9, 2003 at 5:30 p.m. in the
Mayor's Conference Room.
Attachment: Sign-In Sheet
Minutes approved April 23, 2003
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Prepared by the City Clerk's Office
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