042303 minutes. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov City Clerk's Office CharterReviewBoard@miamibeachfl.gov Telephone 305-673-7411 Facsimile 305-673-7254 CITY CHARTER REVIEW BOARD Minutes of April 23, 2003 Meeting Board Members in attendance: Vice-Chair Jonathan Beloff, Esq. Ricky Arriola, Esq. Victor Diaz, Esq. Honorable Seymour Gelber, Esq. Larry Herrup, CPA Abraham Laeser, Esq. Board Liaison Personnel Jean Olin, Deputy City Attorney Robert E. Parcher, City Clerk Liliam R. Hatfield, Secretary to City Clerk Meeting called to order at 5:30 p.m. I. DISCUSSION ITEMS A) Approval of Revised March 18,2003 Minutes ACTION: Motion made by Member Herrup; seconded by Member Gelber to approve the revised minutes of March 18, 2003. Vote: 5-0. Absent: Chairman lack and Member Arriola. B) Approval of April 9, 2003 Minutes ACTION: Motion made by Member Herrup; seconded by Member Gelber to approve the minutes of April 9, 2003. Vote: 5-0. Absent: Chairman lack and Member Arriola. C) Approval Of Issues For Discussion 1. loning Reform ACTION: Member Herrup moved that the CRB not discuss Charter Sections 1.02 (b) and (c) per City Attorney's recommendation as outlined in his memo of April 23, 2003; seconded by Member Gelber. Discussion held. Member Herrup withdrew his motion. Member Gelber withdrew his second. It was unanimously agreed that a cxrt:!m:e call should be placed between Jean Olin, Deputy City Attorney, Dan Paul, Esq. and Member Diaz to discuss this issue for reporting back to the CRB at its May 6, 2003 meeting. Vote: 6-0. Absent: Chairman lack. 2. Form of Government/Commission Powers: Member Diaz suggested this issue be expanded to include a broader discussion of "good government reform," induding public ethics/conflict of interest. ACTION: Approved via affirmative vote of four members: Vice-Chair Beloff, and Members Diaz, Herrup and Laeser. 3. Approve Existing Categories of Issues for Discussion (as categorized by Vice-Chair Beloff) ACTION: Motion to approve made by Member Diaz; seconded by Member Laeser. Vote: 6-0. Absent: Chairman lack. D) Advertising Member Diaz suggested removing from meeting notices language (per Florida Statute Section 286.0105) informing citizens of a need for verbatim transcripts. Member Diaz also suggested including language inviting any citizen who has an interest in reforming City government to submit their ideas to the Board via email or in writing submitted to the Board. The notices should explain the process in which an issue is accepted or rejected for discussion by the Board, and if accepted, issues are placed on the next Board meeting agenda. The Board unanimously agreed that the next advertisementforthe meeting of May6 is to include the following categories and issues: 1) Bill of Rights A. Diversity B. Sunshine Law C. Customer Service Plan D. Natural Resources and Scenic Beauty 2) Miscellaneous A. Telephonic Participation by Board Members B. Conflict of Interest Member Diaz suggested that officials at State and County level be invited to attend meetings for public hearing participation. Member Herrup suggested that the City Clerk's Office submit a list of nonpartisan informational bodies that can be contacted to participate in the discussion at the meetings. Member Arriola suggested that the City send out a press release for all future public meetings regarding the topics for discussion. II. ISSUES FOR DISCUSSION Voting of Issues - Process, Public Input and Notification Member Gelber suggested allowing time for the public to give their input at the televised meetings. Member Diaz suggested setting aside half an hour for the public to speak at the end of the meeting and prior to deliberation. New issues will be voted on and if accepted, they will be placed in the next Board Agenda for discussion. The public is to be notified that they have some time to present their issue, the Board takes a vote to accept or reject, and if accepted, it will be placed on the Agenda for discussion at the next meeting. ACTION: Motion made by Member Diaz; seconded by Member Laeser to allow the public to submit issues at the end of the meeting, and after deliberation they will be voted on, and to notify the public if the issue is to be placed on the Agenda for discussion. Public Notification Member Diaz suggested that the City Clerk draft a letter to be signed by the Chairman of the Board or the Vice-Chair, thanking the public for their submission of issues and explaining the voting procedure adopted, and the options available of being able to resubmit an issue that has been rejected. The public is to be notified when an issue is coming up for discussion in writing, or via email. ACTION: Motion made by Member Diaz; seconded by Member Arriola to notify the public in writing when an issue has been accepted or rejected, and if accepted, when that issue is to be discussed and explain process and options. Vote: 6- O. Absent: Chairman Zack. III. NEW CORRESPONDENCE 1) Replace Code Enforcement Special Master with an Administrative Board appointed by the Mayor. Vote: (no votes received) 2) Citizen's Review Committee to review citizen's complaints against Police and City employees. Vote: (no votes received) 3) Section 5.02 - Budget Amend Charter to include wording that would require Mayor and City Commission when adopting resolutions and allocating funds to consider the long term economic impact (at least five years) at a threshold level to be determined (as a percentage of budget). Vote: 3 Votes: Members Gelber, Arriola and Diaz. IV. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for May 6, 2003 at 5:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. Attachment: Sign-In Sheet REP:JO/lh 2 Prepared by the City Clerk's Office M:\$CMB\CITYCLER\CHARTER\04ApriI23, 2003\0423Agenda\April 23, 2003 meeting minutes. doc