Ad 0191 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING HEREBY yen tJlat 8_ public hearing will be held b.y. the..Mayo, r and ty . 0 Convention Center unve, Miami ueaGn, I Chambers, 3rd flog.r, Cit~ Hall, 170 r the followin: Florida, on W.nesoay, July 30, 2003, at 10:.30 a.m., to conside , COMMENT REGARDING A LEASE AGREEMENT TO HEAR PUBLIC · F w~TH M~AMI BEACH FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, FOR THE LEAS_E_O_I ~I~'F~d'~iI~I~:TI~LY 1350 SQUARE FEET OF CITY-OWNED,P_R.O_P_E,B.I~. l1 '~OCATED AT 1701 MERIDIAN AVENUE, MIAMI BEACH, I;LUHIUA, FURTHER TO .CONSIDER WNVER, BY 5/71'HS VOTE, OF THE COMPETITIVE BIDDING AND APPRAISAL REQUIREMENTS; AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 82-39 OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE. Inquiries may be directed to the Economic Development at (305) 673-7193. INTERESTED PARTES are invited to appear at this meeting, or be represented by an agent, or to express their views L n .writing 8ddress~.~ ~.~e .C.,~._~Coom~?~,~o 1700 Convention Center urlve 1st Floor uny ns., ragu,..~. ............. ~eni~. nf this ordinance are evailabla'for public'inspectlon d_u. ring ~io'~a ~139. This meeting may be continued 8nd unaer socn c~rcum lag~l notice would not be provided. - Robert E. Parchar, Cby Clerk · City of Miami Beac~ nt to Section 286 0i 05, Fla Stst., the city hereby advises the public that: if a person Pursua ' ' n with ect to soy matter decides to appeal any decision made by the- ¢?rsoncommums[i~jre thatre~spa v~erbetim mcm'd of r~ at its meeUng or its hearing, such pe ~)~[~ to b~ based. ~ s notice does not constitute ~nsem Dy me ~.!}y ~! .?_,,,_.~,~-.,."~.~'~ o~'~dmis8 on of ~)~dlerwles inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does n aumonze or appeals not of~herwise allowed by law. . nce with the Americans with Disablfitiss Act of 1990, perSOns needing spec.iai tn' accords , . · r to r uest information on access Tar ccommodsben to part c~p~to n this proceeding o eq ......... '-~ al-n a .... . ue is blice~)n In access o e Torma~ o[ Lu [~4u~ u persons v~?~?.~l.?~.~o!.l~ ~t~e~ C~ Clerk's office at (305) 673-74~t,1., no. later, t~..an ~amn?~?~'~nri[eor~L~n'~ ~r"~c"eading , hearing impaired, contact the Cify .C.l_e.~'_s omce vLame ~:~)~id a ~el~y Service numbers, (800) 955-8771 (TRY) or (800) 955-8770 ~u uH. (Ad ~0191)