Letter to REP from P. Terranova RECEiVF-D 03 JUL ~ 1 t~tl lO: 0 CiTY CLERK'S OFF ICE July 16, 2003 LAW OFFICES PAMELA S. TERRANOVA, ESQ. SUITE 700 · SOUTHTRUST TOWER QNE EAST BROWARD BOULEVARD FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33301 PH: (954) 713-2755 FAX: (954) 713-2756 Robert Parcher, City Clerk City of Miami Beach, Florida 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 VIA FEDEX RE: Request to Distribute Enclosed Letter to Chairman Steve Zack and the Members of the Charter Review Board Dear Mr. Parcher: Enclosed, please find a letter addressed to Chairman Steve Zack and the Members of the Charter Review Board for the City of Miami Beach. Please forward the enclosed letter to the aforementioned individuals for their consideration at the Charter Review Board meeting scheduled for July 22, 2003, at 4:30 p.m. in the Mayor's conference room. Thank you for your cooperati6n and assistance in this matter. VerA;"~t/r~y yours, ~ ~ Pamela S. Terranova, Esq. LAW OFFICES PAMELA S. TERRANOVA, ESQ. SUITE 700 · SOUTHTRUST PLAZA ONE EAST BROWARD BOULEVARD FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33301 PH: (954) 713-2755 FAX: (954) 713-2756 July 16, 2003 Chairman Steve Zack and Members of the Charter Review City of Miami Beach, Florida 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Board VIA FEDEX Issues to Be Considered By the Charter Review Board at its Meeting Scheduled For Tuesday, July, 22, 2003 Dear Chairman Zack and Members of the Charter Review Board: This Firm represents the Communications Workers of America ("CWA") Local 3178. This letter is being sent in response to certain changes being proposed to the City of Miami Beach Charter as outlined in the Charter Review Board's July 22, 2003, Agenda. Three (3) proposed Charter changes are of great concern to CWA Local 3178 due to the severe impact they will have on the rights of the employees of the City of Miami Beach. The Charter changes in question are as follows: 1. Article IV - Removal of Sections 9 and 12: CWA Local 3178 is vehemently opposed to the elimination of these sections due to the negative impact it will have on the rights of all Miami Beach employees (i.e. union and non-union employees). The Civil Service System insures the protection of affected employees by guaranteeing that any adverse personnel action taken against employees is for good cause and that an independent, c~asi-judicial process will be in p'lace to review the justification for same. Removal of the civil service classification and attendant due process review provided by the Personnel Board will eliminate the only administrative "check and balance" currently in place to protect employees from unlawful personnel actions. Vesting all disciplinary review powers with the chief executive officer of the City (i.e. the City Manager) will essentially function as a "rubber stamp" since the City Manager is the direct line supervisor of the Department Directors imposing the disciplinary action in question. The Personnel Board is a critical, independent review component of the City's personnel system. The P~rsonnel Board reviews evidence and hears direct testimony of all the involved parties in order to reach a fair and impartial decision which is supported by competent, substantial evidence. In the past, the Personnel Board has upheld and overruled several disciplinary actions taken by management for the City. The fact that the Personnel Board has made several determinations in favor of both the City and the employees clearly demonstrates it has the achieved the equitable balance as anticipated by the City Charter. Chairman Steve Zack and Me.ers of the Charter Review Board J%/ly 16, 2003 Page 2 In addition, removal of these provisions from the Charter also eliminates another crucial layer of protection for the employees in that changes to the personnel system can occur at any time without voter intervention. It is not coincidental that the civil service provisions were adopted in the City's Charter. Eliminating the referendum requirement can result in abuses to the rights of City employees which would not otherwise take place if those rights could only be impacted through referendum. 2. Article V - Removal of Article in its Entirety: CWA Local 3178 is also vehemently opposed to the removal of this article due to the negative financial impact it will have on the rights of current and former City of Miami Beach employees. As a result of this Charter provision, the City has established a consistent practice regarding the employer/employee contributions to the health care plan, including contributions for retirees. In addition, the Charter mandates that the City establish and maintain a health care plan. If this article is eliminated from the Charter, the mandate that a health care plan be in existence would also be eliminated. Consequently, removal of the health care plan provisions from the Charter would open the possibilities that any financial hardships and challenges f~ced by the City could easily result in substantial impacts to the health plan and the p~emiums borne by the employees. As previousl~ mentioned above regarding the removal Df the civil ser'vice and personnel provisions, elimination of the insurance requirements found in the Charter eliminates another crucial layer of protection for the employees in that legislative changes can and will occur without voter intervention. It is imperative that the insurance provisions found in the Charter remain intact to insure that the employees continue to receive and maintain the benefits currently in place. On behalf of CWA Local 3178, I thank you for your consideration of the issues outlined above during the discussions you will have at your meeting s__cheduled for July 22, 2003. Pamela S. Terranova, Esq. PST/wp cc: Richard McKinnon, President CWA Local 3178