NOTICE IS HEREBY given* that a public headng will be hald by the Mayor ancl
City Commission of the Cry of Mami Beach, Fiorida in the Corcrcission Chambers,
3rd floor. City Hall. 1700 Convention Center Drive, Mami Beach, Florida.. on
Wedneeday, July 30, 2003, at 10.45 a.rc., ;ursuant to Section 90-221 of the
Miami Beach City Code. to consider raising the Franchise Fee oaid to the City by
Private Waste Contractors f~om the currant fee of Fourleen Percent (14%} of the
Franchisees' Tcf~al Monthly'Gross Receipts for Waste Removal in the City,' to Sixteen
Percent (16%) of said gross receipts.
Inquiries may be directed to Public Wa'ks at (305) 673-7080.
INTERESTED PARTIES are invited to appear at this meeting, orbe represented by an
agent, or to express their views in writing addressed to the City Commission. c/o the
City Clerk, 1700 Convention Center Drive. 1st Roor. C~ Hall. Miami Beach. Florida
33139. Copies of this ordinance are available i~or public inspection during nor'mai
s hours in the City Clerk's Office, !700 Convention Center Drive. 1st Floor.
City Hall, Miarcl Beach. Florida 33139; This meeting n'my be continued and under such
circurcstancss additional legal notice would not be provided.
Robet E. P~or, C~y C~E
City of Miami Beach
d~i~ to ~t:~ any d~ialoo rced~ ~ th~ Ctty Oomrck'~ion w~h ~ to
any rcatter eon~:t~red at i~ rc~iog or its he~, .*.~h p*'~on mu~t ansum that a
verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record jnoluo~ the testimony and
evidence upon which the appeal is to be based, This notice poee not constitute
consent by fie City for the introduction or admission of otherwise nadmisstble or
irrelevant evidence, nor does it authorize challenges or appeals not othenvtse
In accordance with the Amorioane with Disabilities Act of 1~)0, persons needing soocial
accommodation to j:~rticipate in this proceeding, or to request information on access for
~, or ~[o request this publication in accessible format, or to request
sign language interpreters, should contact the City Clerk's office at (305) 673-7411,
no later than four days prior to the proceeding, if hearing impaired, contact'the
City Clerk's office via the Florida Fi!lay ~Bervice numbers, (800) 955-8771 ('I'P0 or