Ad 0190 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY given that a pub c hearing will be held by the Mayor land City Comm ssion of the City of Miami Beach, Rodda, in *the, I consider the following: =u,,~may, ,~my au, ;~lx~, at 10:00 a.m., to TO CONSIDER APPRoViNG, ON FIRST READING, A PRoPOSEDI DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AND THE NEW WORLD SYMPHONY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE' / SURFACE PARKING LOT, GENERALLY BOUNDED BY 17TH STREET TO .TH_E. ~J.O_RTH, NORTH LINCOLN LANE TO THE SOUTH, WASHINGTON ~N_U[.T_O__.~._~_~_ ST AND PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE TO THE WEST. r-_uH UUN~IHUCTION OF AN APPROXIMATELY 50,000 SQUARE FOOT EDUCATIONAL, PERF,~RMANCE, AND RECORDING FACILI'P( WITH AN -A.--..?. -)____ ~; PARKING GARAGE FACILITY. SOUNDSPACE WILLi ~Ju~ ~JN APPROXIMATELy 21,880 SQUARE FEET OF PERFORMANCE .S~P_/~,(~_E_._C../~.ABLE OF ACCOMODATING NO MORE THAN S00 SEATS, ,~;-'~H'JXlMATELY 8,325 SQUARD FEET OF STAGE SUPPORT SPACE' 4,650 SQUARE FEET OF TEACH AND PRACTICE SPACE AND 4 725 SQUARE FEET OF ADMINISTRATIVE-SUPORT SPACE· l~(~i~?3.~3.be directed to the Economic Development Department at / the CRv Ccxt]rni.,~J~s ~ ~,= r.~.. ~,,_e~. ,t~r..vl~ews Itl writing add~ to. ........ .-~-..--..,,._~ ,,~ ,., ~,~u~K, I ~'uU ~;ortventJort C~lter Drive 1st Floor, (~ity Hall, Miami Beach, ~o~da 33139. Copies of this ordinan~:~ are available for public inspection during nomtal business hours In the City circumstances additional legal notice wou~'d not be provided such Robert E. Parcher, City Clerk City of Miami Beach · . u uppea~ any aecislon maae Dy the City' ~roc~:~_~_~_,-..,_, __r,.~?.on .,mu,s; ensure maz a vematim record of the ~, ~,:,~.~, ~a maoe, wnlcn record Includes the testimony and ev dence upon winch the appeal is to be based~ This notice does not constitute consent by t__he.~C,ity fo.r th.e. introduction or. adm ssion of otherwise inadmissible or rremvant ewaence, nor does it authorize challenges or appeals not othenviea allowed by law ~ i~-" ommoaat~o? to pertic~pate in this proceeding, or to intZ_.-.~__ _~ .. a~.~,~o~,ulu~e ?.rmat, or to request sign anguege ,.,~,~,~_~_~,~j _sn~ou,~ contact.the C~ty Clerk's office at (305) 673-74'[1 no I ~L~. ~,~_,~_ourEayS .pri~.. to ~me. proceeding. If hearing impaired, contact' the (Ad #0190)