CAO 03-12 Certificate of Use CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY To: From: Subject: MEMORANDUM Jorge M. Gonzalez City Manager C.M.O. No. 2-6/03 C.A.O. No. 03-12 Murray H. Dubbin/~.~ City Attorney /~ :~..~ Roberto Datorre, ~~ Assistant City Attorney Certificate of use and Annual Fire Fee and Occupational License of The Alliance for Education, Inc. - Appeal of the restrictions on the license which provide for inside sales only. This memorandum responds to your June 27, 2003 request for legal opinion regarding the above- referenced issue, C.M.O. Number 2-6/03, in which you ask what the appeal process is for a restriction on outside sales placed on the occupational license. The restriction against outside sales is not unique to The Alliance for Education, Inc.'s license. Section 142-874(a) of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, entitled "Required Enclosures," provides that: Store enclosures. In all use districts designated in these land development regulations, the sale, or exposure for sale or rent, of any personal property, including merchandise, groceries or perishable foods, such as vegetables or fruits, is prohibited, unless such sale, or exposure for sale, is made from a substantially enclosed, permanent building or structure... §142-874(a), City Code (emphasis added). All occupational licenses in the City are subject to this section of the City Code. A notation was placed on the license to ensure that the licensee understood that the City Code restricted the ability of sales to inside enclosures only.~ Enforcement of this section of the City Code should be appropriately handled by the Code Compliance Department. 1 The documentation provided by the licensee did not indicate an enclosed location available to it. The Alliance for Education obtained the license as a subleasee contemplating the placement of a table on the outside of the property at 918 Ocean Drive, in the space currently used by Fat Tuesdays as an outdoor sidewalk caf6. Consequently, there is no appeal available to The Alliance for Education, h~c., or any other licensee, to remove the restriction against outside sales placed by § 142-874(a) of the City Code. Relief from the restrictions of ~ 142-874(a) would require an amendment to the City Code. If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Cc: Christina M. Cuervo Patricia Walker Jorge Gomez Jorge Montes F:~atto\DATR\City Attorney Opinions and MemosXAlliance for Education.doc CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Office of the City Manager Request for Legal Opinion C.M.O. Number: ~.~..~L~ To: From: Subject: Murray H. Dubbin City Attorney Jorge M. Gonzalez0-~ City Manager CERTIFICATE OF USE AND ANNUAL FIRE FEE AND OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE OF THE ALLIANCE FOR EDUCATION, INC. - APPEAL OF THE RESTRICTIONS ON THE LICENSE WHICH PROVIDE FOR INSIDE SALES ONLY Date: June 27, 2003 Attached is a letter from Laurence Feingold, Attorney, dated May 16, 2003. Mr. Feingold represents The Alliance for Education, Inc., holder of the attached merchant sales license at 918 Ocean Drive, Miami Beach. The Alliance for Education is requesting an appeal of the restrictions on the aforestated license which provide for inside sales only. Please advise what the appeal process is for said request. Thank you. JMG\CMC\Icd Attachments c' Christina M. Cuervo Patricia Walker Jorge Gomez Jorge Montes F:\cmgr~$ALL~JORGEGON\MEMOS~request for legal opinion Feingold The Alliance for Education.doc Murray B. Weft, Jr. of Counsel Admitted in Florida & Massachusetts Law Offices Laurence Feingold Professional Association S. David Sheffman, J.D., LLB. Attorney/Mediator May 16, 2003 Jorge Gonzalez, City Manager City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Re: Certificate of Use and Annual Fire Fee and Occupational of The Alliance for Education, Inc. Dear Mr. Gonzalez: The undersigned represents The Alliance for Education, Inc., holder of the attached merchant sales license at 918 Ocean Drive, Miami Beach, Florida. This letter shall constitute an appeal of the restrictions on the license which provide for inside sales only. The basis of this appeal is the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution and Ordinance No. 97-3094 of the City of Miami Beach. Ordinance No. 97-3094, as well as the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, allows non-profit vending and distribution in public right of ways. The Ordinance simply sets forth the guidelines for non-profit vending on public right of ways. The rationale of said Ordinance is that the uncontrolled placement of portable tables constitutes an inconvenience and hazard to persons using the City's public right of way and thereibre, constitutes a public nuisance. Thus, all the Ordinance seeks to do is to regulate a first amendment fight to Free Speech in such a way that such right does not become a hazard to other persons using the public right of way. In the attached license, my client, The Alliance for Education, Inc., a tax exempt non-profit organization under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code, seeks to maintain the placement of a portable table on private property. Attached hereto is the IRS verification of its tax exempt status. My client has the absolute right under the First Amendment to perform those very same acts on private property that he would be entitled to perform under Ordinance No. 97-3094 in public property. In fact, the rationale of Ordinance No. 97-3094 concerning the uncontrolled use of the City's public right of ways simply does not apply at all to a non-profit corporation seeking the placement of portable tables on private property. 407 Lincoln Road · Suite 708 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 (305) 53s-~os6. tax (305) 538-zsz5 May 16, 2003 Page -2- Based upon the constitutional and selective enforcement considerations set forth herein, this Appeal to you, the City Manager, seeks to eliminate from the attached license the limitation of "inside sales only." Please let me hear from you at your earliest convenience. · .............. Sincerely, ...... Laurence FeingokF LF:rcd Encl. cc: Moshe Rabin (The Alliance for Education, Inc.) CITY OF MIAMI BEAt, r1 CERTIFICATE OF USE, AhNUAL FIRE FEE~ AND: OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TRADE NAME: THE ALLIANCE FOR EDUCATION INC IN CARE OF: MOSHE RABIN ADDRESS: 1911 N W 40TH COURT POMPANO BEACH FL 333064 A penalty is imposed for failure to keep this license exhibited conspicuously at your place of business. A Certificate of Use Occupational License issued under this article does not waive or supersede other City Laws, does not constitute City approval of a particular business activity and does not excuse the licensee from all other laws applicable to the licensee's business. This license may be transferred: A. Within 30 days of a bonafide sale, otherwise a complete annual payment is due. B. To another location within the City if proper approvals and the license are obtained prior to the opening of the new location. /~"~'~itional Locations Used I Serviced: [..2,DE SA'tS O.LV. NO SALES OUTSIDE OR DISPLAY OF MERCHANDISE IN PUBLIC RIGHT NO HAWKING. NO PEDDLING.,./ OF WAY. / 17.00 Convention Center Drive ACCOUNT #: RL03001650 Miami Beach, Florida 33139-1819 Beginning: 10/'01/2002 Expires: 09/30/2003 Parcel No: 32340080050 TRADE ADDRESS: 918 OCEAN DR Code Unit Certificate of Use I Occupation 9999 95012065 Certificate of Use is Shared 1000 Merchant Sales FROM: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH t700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FL. 33139-18t9 PRESORTED FIRST CLASS U.S. POSTAGE PAID MIAMI BEACH, FL ', PERMITNo 1525 THE ALLIANCE FOR EDUCATION , INC 1911 N W 40TH COURT POMPANO BEACH FL 33064 I,,11,,,11,11,,,,11,,,I,,I,.,11,,.11,.I,II PHONE May. 15 2803 08:2.~PM Pi axe ~m~ from ~e~ezml inOOme ~u~x. s~c~io~ 501(a) O~ :he znte~al Revenue ~owever, we hav~ demeaned that you can feasibly establish thaC yOU ~ve ~en a ~l~cly su~ed you as a private foundation, ~ wilX =~aC ~u as a private fo~tion f~m ~anto~s a~ ~o~i~t~l ~y ~ly on our dete~ina~A~n