CAO 03-06 Election/Vendors Cont CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: Commissioner Steinberg Dubbin, City Attorney. ~i.i ~ jMeaUnrraKY. Olin, Deputy City Attorne~y~ Election Contributions by City Vendor April 4th, 2003 CAO NO. 03-06 This memo is written in response to your request for a legal opinion as to whether a vendor running for office may contribute or lend to his or her own campaign. The legislation at issue is City of Miami Beach Ordinance No. 2003-3389, entitled "Prohibited Campaign Contributions by Vendors" (effective January 18th, 2003), which law amended City Ordinance No. 2000-3244, passed by the City Commission in May of 2000. The legislative intent of both the original ordinance as well as its recently-amended version were to dispel the appearance of corruption in government occurring as a result of a City vendor making a contribution to a candidate for City elected office, and/or as a result of a campaign donor becoming a City vendor within 12 months from the swearing in of the candidate/donee. The stated City interest in preventing governmental corruption (or the perception thereof) does not exist under the scenario you have presented, i.e.-when the vendor/donor and the candidate/donee are one and the same. Accordingly, a vendor running for office in the City of Miami Beach may make a campaign contribution to his/her own campaign. CCi Robert Parcher, City Clerk (for distribution to all candidates for elected office in the City of Miami Beach) F:httto\OLlJ~M EMOS\Steinberg. ElecContCityVendor.doc CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE MAYOR & COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: CC: FROM: DATE: RE: MURRAY DUBBIN CITY ATTORNEY JEAN OLIN DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY ! RICHARD STEINBERG (,~J~?~ COMMISSIONER April 1, 2003 Election Contributions by City Vendors I would like to request a legal opinion as to whether a vendor running for office could contribute or lend to his or her own campaign. Also, please distribute the response to all candidates via the City Clerk's Office. RLS/dm