04-2003 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Office of the City Manager/ Department Memorandum No. To: Jose Smith Commissioner From: Jorge M. Gonzalez~L City Manager Subject: CITY FEES FOR FY 2003~04 Date: June 24, 2003 Here is the information you requested. Should you need additional information or have questions please feel free contact Trish Walker. Sidewalk Caf~ Permit Fees Enacted 10/08/92 o Current Rate · $150 annual non-refundable application fee and $10.00/sf/annum of usable sidewalk area. · Fee has not been increased since inception. · The total revenue collected from sidewalk cafb fees is $505,980; accounting for the total of 50,598 square footage currently permitted for sidewalk caf~ usage. · It costs the City $48.52/sf/annum to provide maintenance to the sidewalk cafb areas. Proposed change o Increase annual per square foot rate to $15 over a two-year period. · $12.50/sf/annum effective Oct. 1,2003 · $15.00/sf/annum effective Oct. 1,2004 Proposed automatic escalation provision- annual increase on Oct. 1 based on the City' s annual cost of living adjustment which translates to the increased cost of providing the service. Occupational License Last changed in 1994 (increased rates based a study ) The consumer price index for the time period of June 1, 1994 to March 1, 2003 shows an increase of 24.5%. Proposed increase of 5% - maximum allowed by FS 205 (5% every other year) o A 5% increase to the FY 2001/2002 revenue collected would net an increase of approximately $151,832. Proposed automatic escalation provision- 5% every other year till we have caught up with inflation and then actual amount of bi-annual CPI not to exceed 5% every other year. Additional/New categories and fees: o The City's current occupational license rates and classifications do not include a fee for adult entertainment establishments. The Administration is recommending a $5,000 per year fee for adult entertainment establishments to help defray the cost of enforcement, involving Code Compliance, Police Department, and other City Departments in order to ensure compliance with the City Code, County Code, and State Statutes. o Establish an annual fee for nightclubs (or a version of a dancehall license based on current zoning code) based on occupant capacity at $2 ($3) /occupant ranging from $200 minimum to $2000 maximum to recover nightclub inspection overtime costs of in excess of $75,000 per year. Certificate of Use · Created in 1990 · Last increase 1992 (increase was 50%) · The consumer price index for the time period of September 1, 1992 to March 1, 2003 shows an increase of 30%. · A 10% increase to the FY 2001/2002 revenue collected would net an increase of approximately $36,769. · Proposed increases: o 3 increases of 10% each proposed · 1st effective October 1,2003 · 2nd effective October 1,2004 · 3rd effective October 1, 2005 · Proposed automatic escalation provision - Effective October 1,2006 and every Oct. 1 thereafter- Increase rate based on CPI. Fire Inspection Fee · Established in 1997 has not been increased since. · The annual cost of Fire Prevention is approximately $2.3 million. The revenue collected from the fire inspection fees of approximately $333,000. · Proposed increase of 15% of current fee effective October 1 · An increase of 15% to the FY 2001/2002 revenue collected would net an increase of approximately $50,040 · Proposed automatic escalation provision - Effective October 1,2004 and every Oct. I thereafter- Increase rate based on CPI. Fire Occupant Load Inspection Fee. · The Committee rejected the proposed The Committee directed the Administration to: Complete an analysis of what other comparable municipalities and Miami-Dade County are charging for Occupational Licenses for Dancehalls and Nightclubs and amend the Occupational License Code to better match the costs. (Please see Occupational License). Fire Plan Review Permit Fees The annual fire plan review permit fee was established on October 1, 1989 for reviewing building plans related to water supply, fire engineering, and safety inspections. These fees have not increased since inception. The current fee structure calls for a minimum rate of $30 and a rate of $.95 for each 100 sq. ft. (up to 20,000 sq. ft.), and for each additional 100 sq. ft. above 20,000 a rate of $.50 per square foot. The Committee directed the Administration to: · complete an analysis of what other comparable municipalities and Miami-Dade County are charging for Fire Plan Review Permit Fees · Bring back to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee an analysis and recommended rate for the Fire Plan Review Permit Fees in conjunction with the proposed Building Permit Fees. Proposed automatic escalation provision - Effective October 1,2004 and every Oct. 1 thereafter- Increase rate based on CPI. Building Permit Fees · KPMG, LLP as well as JRD & Associates, Inc. (JRD) have analyzed the City's Building Department fees and compared them to similar fees charged by other municipalities and Miami-Dade County, and have both recommended an increase to fees. · Permit fees have not increased since 1992. JRD has recommended a 15% across the board increase for building permit fees to recover costs with running the department. Building Permit Fees charged by the City of Miami Beach were substantially lower than those charged by the City of Miami, City of Coral Gables, and Miami-Dade County. · Proposed automatic escalation provision to permit the City to responsibly increase Building Permit fees on an annual basis per the Consumer Price Index (CPI). · Consideration of an additional fee or incorporating the cost into proposed fees to provide funding for on-line permitting. Parks and Recreation User Fees · In late 2002 the City of Miami Beach retained KPMG LLP to conduct a cost of service study for fee services provided by the Parks and Recreation Department for fiscal year 2001/2002. KPMG's study captures what our costs are and what we should be charging. A comparison of fees charged by other municipalities and Miami-Dade County has been conducted. Proposed fee increases will maintain fees in line with what other comparable municipalities and Miami-Dade County are charging for like amenities and programs and include a sliding scale of fees for Iow income families and possibly a discount for families with more than one child. Proposed automatic escalation provision which will permit the City to responsibly increase user fees on an annual basis per the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or the City's cost of living adjustment. JMG\PDW:¢ C: Mayor and City Commissioners C:\Documents and Settings\finawalp\My Documents\COMMiSSiON ITEMS~J:{ate increase 7-2-03.doc