Agenda Process 1 - GUIDE F'OR THE CITY COMMISSI:ON MEETINGS AGENDA PROCES,S Lilia Cardillo Agenda Coordinator City Manager's Office TABLE OF CONTENTS Agenda Process Procedures Detailed instructions on what to do before, after and during each Commission meeting. II Recurring Items on Commission Agenda List of items that always appear on the first and second meeting of the month. III Commission Day (Time Certain & Agenda Item List) Distribution Lists individuals who receive a time certain and agenda item list on the morning of each Commission meeting. IV Examples of Items on the Agenda Examples from previous meetings displaying proper wording used in the agenda and listing. (Includes Budget Items) V Agenda Packages with Covers Distribution list of those who receive an agenda package w/ cover (goldenrod/ blue/green). VI Agenda Vocabulary Definitions for general agenda-related terms. VII Example of a Memorandum: Due Dates for Commission Material Example of a memo sent out in December to Assistant City Manger's and Department Directors informing them of Commission meeting dates for upcoming year and other pertinent information. VIII Agenda Distribution List List of everyone who receives an agenda and/or agenda package. IX Agenda Item Route Schedule The route of memo/summary sheet/resolution prior to getting to the Agenda Coordinator for printing. F :ICMGR\$ALL ILiliaIAGENDAlagenda-guide.doc I. AGENDA PROCESS PROCEDURES MONDAY: COMMISSION MEETING WEEK 1. Start preparing the Agenda Item List and Time Certain. 2. E-mail copy of Time Certain and Agenda Item List to the Mayor's Assistant (Elizabeth) who will let you know the Time Certain requests by Mayor/Commission. 3. Start preparing the Addendum/Supplemental materials for new/additional items for upcoming Commission meeting. [Addendum (blue) = new], [Supplemental (white) = additional]. (labels for those who receive them: F:\cmgr\$all\lilia\agenda\addendums- labels.doc) 4. Start preparing the Speaker's List for the City Manager. First save the Agenda Item List file under a different name to preserve the original (call the file: speakers.lst), delete page numbers on the right, and place initials of those from the Administration and/or Department Directors that will speak on each item. You may refer to the Commission book for help (check who initialed the item. TUESDAY 1. At 4:00 p.m. type DRAFT on the Agenda Item List and Time Certain, then make 40 (double- sided) copies and one (1) single-sided for the City Manager. 2. Send the Addendum/Supplemental material to print and don't forget to give them envelopes (see top file drawer under Addendum/Supplemental Envelopes). 3. Copy the "Draft" Agenda Item List and Time Certain to the temp directory (M:\$cmb\temp). WEDNESDAY: COMMISSION MEETING 8:15 a.m. Start 1. Hand out the Time Certain & Agenda Item List at the Agenda Briefing meeting. 2. Place the Speaker's List in addition to the Agenda Item List and Time Certain where the City Manager sits. 3. After the meeting finalize the lists with any changes that have occurred during the briefing. Change DRAFT to FINAL. 4. Make (65) double-sided copies and take down to the Commission Chambers. Distribute to: City Manager (1); Mayor (1); Commissioners (6); City Attorney (1); City Clerk (1); (4) at the back table where ACM's sit; and (2) in the Video Room. Leave (3) copies in the City Manager's Conference Room. Take a copy to each Secretary in the City Manager's Office (7). Give (5) copies to the Receptionist; (1) to City Attorney's Office; (4) to the Mayor's Office; (4) to the City Clerk's Office; (5) for Agenda Coordinator; and the remaining (20) copies place in each slot in the Chamber. 5. Copy the "Final" Agenda Item List and Time Certain to the temp directory (M:\$cmb\temp). THURSDAY: AFTER-ACTION MEETING 2:30 P.M. 1. Attend After-Action Meeting. 2. During the meeting, mark on the agenda those items that were deferred and need to be placed on the next Commission Meeting. FRIDAY 1. Update the next Commission Meeting Agenda with the information from the After-Action. Remember to add the standard items that go on every 1 st or 2nd meeting of the month (Refer to file: F :\cmgr\$all\lil ia\agenda\recurring-items.doc). 2. Receive deferred items, 2nd Reading items, etc. from the City Clerk's Office (Mercy or Lilly). 3. Pull those Ordinances that have not been amended on 1st Reading, so that they may be used again for upcoming 2nd Reading, Public Hearing. 4. Send e-mail to Department Directors/Department Heads/City Manager's Office & City Attorney's Office, reminding them of when titles and memos are due (mention the Agenda Review date). MONDAY: DEADLINE FOR TITLES 1. Receive titles from various departments and place on the draft agenda in preparation for Agenda Review meeting on Thursday. TUESDAY: COMMISSION MEMORANDUMS ARE DUE 1. Receive Commission Item Summary with Memos and place numbered Post-It's on them (example: C7A). Make sure you have the title on the draft agenda. 2. Brows through the summary sheets and memos to check for format errors. 3. Show summary/memos to Bob Parcher, for his review and approval. 4. Request the Hearing Schedule from Bob Parcher or Maria Martinez. Fill in the time each public hearing will be heard on the draft agenda. WEDNESDAY 1. Update agenda for Agenda Review Meeting. 2. Send e-mail of draft agenda to: JMG, POW, CMC, MOB, RCM & GL (copy REP). 3. Continue receiving agenda items (initialed by Department Director & ACM), check the item w/ the agenda, number the item, then give to Bob Parcher for review. Make sure Finance approves all items with financial impact. THURSDAY: AGENDA REVIEW MEETING 1. Review agenda for a final check. 2. Compile all agenda items with numbers corresponding to agenda, review and put in "Green" folder for the Agenda Review Meeting. 3. At 12:00 Noon make 40 double-sided copies, 1 single sided for (JMG) of agenda and distribute at the 2:30 p.m. Agenda Review meeting. 4. Attend Agenda Review meeting. During the meeting make any changes necessary such as pulling items off or adding new ones. FRIDAY 1. Update agenda to reflect any changes made during Agenda Review meeting. 2. Before 5:00 p.m. give all memos (place in "Green" folder) to the City Manager. WEEK THE AGENDA GOES TO PRINT: MONDAY-TUESDAY 1. Send all summary/memos with corrections back to the departments. 2. Prepare the following: 1) agenda package covers; 2) distribution covers; 3) manila envelopes; and 4) agenda mailers. . Agenda package covers (goldenrod, blue & green) - stamp meeting date . Print distribution covers list after you change the Commission Meeting date on the bottom. (F :\cmgr\$all\liIia\agenda\d istri bution-cov. N EW .doc) . Place address labels on manila envelopes. (F:\cmgr\$all\lilia\agenda\home-addr- labels.doc) . Print agenda mailers. (F:\cmgr\$all\liIia\agenda\mailers\mailers merge final.doc) *Keep up with Vice-Mayor. 3. Send e-mail to Department Directors/Department Heads/City Manager's Office & City Attorney's Office, listing the titles from the agenda which memos you are still pending. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY: PREPARE FOR PRINTING 1. Collect Memos, Resolutions, Ordinances, Agreements, etc. to prepare for printing. Proof titles of Resolutions, Ordinances and Bid Awards with agenda. 2. Count pages (excluding Summary Sheet) of every item to make sure they're even numbered. If not, add: "This Page Intentionally Left Blank" page at the end. 3. Begin working on the Time Certain and Agenda Item list. FRIDAY: PRINTING SHOULD BE COMPLETED 1. Write the item number and Commission Meeting date on each item (bottom right corner). 2. Take down the Consent materials to start scanning. 3. Take down the Regular and RDA materials to scan. 4. Take down the following to Central Services: 1) agenda package covers; 2) distribution covers; 3) manila envelopes; and 4) agenda mailers. 5. Once the Consent, Regular and RDA items are scanned and the pages are numbered, proof the final package (make sure all items start on the right side of the book and the Item Summary Sheet is blue), type the page numbers each item starts on, on the agenda, print the agenda (keep the consent, regular & RDA agenda's paper-clipped separately) and give to Central Services with the final package. 6. Copy the agenda files to (M:\$cmb\temp\). 7. The City Manager should receive the first printed agenda package. The Mayor and City Commissioners, Bruce Singer and the Libraries will have theirs delivered. IIC _HISYSICMGRI$ALL lLiliaIAGENDAlAgendaProcedures.lst. doc II. RECURRING ITEMS ON COMMISSION AGENDA R9 - New Business and Commission Reauests R9A Board And Committee Appointments. R9B(1) R9B(2) Dr. Stanley Sutnick Citizen's Forum. (1 :30 p.m.) Dr. Stanley Sutnick Citizen's Forum. (5:30 p.m.) Reports & Informational Items A City Attorney's Status Report. B Parking Status Report. C Status Report On The Rehabilitation Project Of The Existing Building And The Addition To Fire Station NO.2. D Status Report On The Rehabilitation Project Of The Existing Building And The Addition To Fire Station NO.4. E Informational Report To The Mayor And City Commission, On Federal, State, Miami-Dade County, And All Existing City Contracts For Renewal Or Extensions In The Next 180 Days. Include only if memo is submitted from a Commissioner: F Non-City Entities Represented By City Commission: 1. Minutes From The Performing Arts Center Trust Board Meeting Of April 8, 2003 And Agenda For The May 13, 2003 Meeting. 2. Information Provided By The Performing Arts Center Trust Regarding The Impact Fee Review Board. 3. Agenda For The Miami Beach Transportation Management Association, Inc. May 14, 2003 Executive Board Meeting. Redevelopment Aaency Items 2. OLD BUSINESS A Report Of The Itemized Revenues And Expenditures Of The Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency For The Month Of 2003.