Separated Items
Open and Continue
Related Items
Addendum (5/7ths Vote to Hear)
Public Hearings
Those-items which are pulled from Consent Agenda to be later
discussed, instead of approved as Consent Items.
Those items which are pulled permanently from the agenda.
When an item is taken of the current meeting agenda to be
heard at a future meeting.
Those items that are advertised (Public Hearings) but need to
be deferred to a future meeting.
Mention of any error(s) that has occurred in the agenda
Those items that need to be heard in conjunction even though
they may not be listed together on the agenda.
New emergency item(s) that need to be included in the current
agenda after the agenda has been printed. (blue-cover)
Additional information/documentation for items already
mentioned on the current agenda. (white-cover)
Items required by law to be advertised prior to placement on the
Presentations and Awards (PA)
Competitive Bid Reports (C2)
Commission Committee
Assignments (C4)
Commission Committee Reports
(C6 / R6)
Resolutions (C7 & R7)
Ordinances (R5)
New Business & Commission
Requests (R9)
City Attorney Reports (R10)
Reports and Informational Items
Redevelopment Agency (RDA)
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Presentations/Certificate of APPreCiations/Other Awards
presented by the Mayor/Commission or the City Manager.
Purchase Orders, Standing Orders, Bid Awards and Contract
Referrals made to the following Commission Committees:
1) G.O. Bond Oversight Committee
2) Finance & Citywide Projects Committee
3) Land Use & Development Committee
4) Neighborhoods Committee
5) Community Affairs Committee
Report of meeting results from the 5 Commission Committees.
A formal pledge, promise or intent voted by elected officials.
5/7 needed for any waiver of bidding requirements)
Any change to the City Code. (5~7 needed for any
amendment to Chapters 114 & above - LDR)
Request to place an item for discussion coming from the
Mayor/Commission or the Administration.
Notice of Closed Executive Session from the City Attorney's
Office. (Takes place at Noon).
Various Status Reports such as:
1) City Attorney's Status Report; 2) Parking Status Report
3) Status Report on Fire Station 2 & 4;
4) Informational Report on All Existing City Contracts; and
5) Non-City Entities Represented By City Commission.
Agenda items coming from the RDA.
(Always heard at 10:00 a.m.)