Ad 0199....... CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ,? NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS ,Ci~ Commission of the Ci~ of Miami Beach, Florida, in ~e Commi~ion Chambers, 3rd floor, Ci~ Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, September 10, 2003, at the times listed below, to atC°nsider the following: .10:~ a.m.: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDIN~CE NO. 1605 AS AMENDED, BEIN~ UNC~SlFIED EMPLOYEES SA~RY ORDINANCE; BY ~ENDING THE TITLES OF THE C~SSlFICATIONS OF FIRST ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY TO ASSlST~T CITY A~ORNEY AND ASSISTANT CITY A~ORNEY II TO ASSISTANT ASSISTANT CITY A~ORNEY I AND SENIOR ASSISTANT Cl~ A~ORN~; CORRECTING THE PUBLIC RECORD BY DELETING CERTAIN LINES; AND PROVIDING FOR REP~LER, SEVE~BILI~, EFFECTIVE DATE, AND CODIFICATION. · · Inquiries may be directed to the Legal Depadment at (305) 673-7470. at 11~ a.m.: AN ORDIN~CE AMENDING CritTER 122 OF THE MIAMI B~CH CI~ coDE ENTITLED "CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT," BY AMENDING SECTION 122.8(D) THEREIN TO ALLOW FOR THE ADOPTION OF PROG~MS OR POLICI~ ALLOWING ' ~EMPTIONS FROM T~NSPORTATION CONCURRENCY REQUIREMENTS FOR SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH IMPACTS TO THE ~S~ ROADWAY LEVEL OF SERVICE HAVE. BEEN DETERMINED TO BE MINO~ PROVIDING FOR REP~LER, CODIFICATION, SEVE~BILI~ AND AN EFFECT~; DATE. nquiries may be directed to the Public Works Depadment at (305) 673-7080. at 11:~ a.m.: AN ORDI~NCE AMENDING CHAPTER 14 OF THE CI~ OF MIAMI B~CH CO~' BY AMEND NG DIVISION 2 THEREOF ENTITLED PERMIT FEES, ~D BY AMENDING APPENDIX A ENTITLED "FEE SCHEDULE," BY AMENDING SE~IO~ 14-61 THROUGH 14-70 ENTITLED "DIVISION 2. PERMIT FEES, PRO~DING F~ AN INCR~SE IN PERMIT AND INSPECTION FEES FOR BUILDING, PLUMBING, ELECTRIC~ AND MECH~I~L WORK AND FOR OTHER BUILDING DEP~E~ ACTVTES; AND PROVDNG FOR ANNUAL INCREASES IN SUCH F~S BEGINNING IN FISCAL YEAR 2004-2005 RASED UPON THE CONSUMER PRI~ INDEX; PROVIDING FOR REP~ER, S~ERABILI~, CODIFICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE. Inquiries may be directed to the Finance DepaRment at (305) 673-7466: INTERESTED PARTIES are invited to appear at this meeting, or be represent~ by an agent, or to express their views in writing addressed to ~e C~ Commission, ~o the-Ci~ Cle~, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1st Flor, Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Copies of these ordinances are a~iMble public inspection during normal business houm in the CiW Cle~'s Office, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 1st Floor, Ci~ Hall, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. This meeting may be continued and under such circumstances additiona~ legal, notice would not be provided. RobeR E. ~rcher, CiW Cle~ Ci~ of Miami Beach -'~ Pursuant to Section 286.0105, Fla. Stat., the Ci~ hereby advises the public if a pemon decides to appeal any decision made by the Ci~ Commission wiffi respect to any maEer considered at its meeting or its hearing, such pemon must ensure that a ve~atim record of the proceedings is made, which reco~: includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be ba~: ~ls' notice does not constitute consent by the CiW for the introduction or admi~ion of othe~ise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nor does it authorize challenges or appeals not o~erwise allowed by law. In accordance with the Americans wi~ Disabilities Act of 1990, pemons ne~ing special a~ommodation to pa~icipate in this proceeding, or to request information on access for pemons with disabilities, or to reque~ this publi~tion in accessible format, or to request sign language interpreters, should con~ the City Clerk's office at (305) 673-7411, no later than four days prior to the proceeding. If hearing impaired, contact the CiW Clerk's office via the Florida Relay Service numbers, (800) 955-8771 (T~ or (800) 955-8770 ~OICE). (Ad~0199) · .