Ad 202 ' .' NOTICE OF A SPECIAL - i~ , cITY COMMISSION MEETING '~' NOTICE IS HEREBY given that's Special commission Meefln will be held by the Ci Commission of the City'of Miami gl~ach, on Thursday, ~/eptember 4, 2003, i.n .the. Commission Chambers, 3rd floor, City Hall, 1700 Convem~n Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, at the times listed' below. at 5:01p.m.: . - - - " A PUBLIC HEARING ADOPTING THE PROPOSED' MILLAGE RATE AND BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003/04 FOR THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. .t5:o2..,..: ' ' · - .. A PUSLIC HEARING ADOP'nNG r THE PROPOSL=O MILLAGE RATE AND BUDGET FOR RSCAL YEAR 200~e4 FOR THE NORMANDY SHORES LOCAL GOVERNMENT NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT. In addition, the Ci.ty Commission may discuss other business at this meet,ng '~ Inquiries concerning this meeting should Office of Management and Budget at (305) 673-7510 ;! P h.r, c,t FI~. 8tst th~ 0 h - ~:l~l~ th~ ' tPhUa~atp~°moS~n ~¢nide~s6{Oola~l~ any d~cision mi~Y~by ~he City ~.,~nl~nl~ ! witE respect to any rna.tt~ conslde .md.at. its rneetlng. Or i~ hearing, ~,c_h~ ~ ! ~'~' must ensure that, voroafim recon:l Ol' me prcceecllngs is rna, tv[n[~ ~ Includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal s aae¢l. This notice does not constitute consent by the City for the introductio~ admission of otherwise inadmissible or ~rrelevant evidence, nor does authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law. I In accordance with the Americans. with Disabll .it?s Act of 199~.., pemo~.~ ~. needing special accommodation to participate tn this procesomg, or.tO! request.information on access for pe.rsons.wlth d!sebilities, .or ~ request ublication in accessible rorme, t, or to request mgn mnguage'! u~-~' ~Pn~erpreters, should contact the City Clerk's office at (305) 673:-7411,, ?~ ~ later than four days p_rior to the proceeding. If hearing ~mpare=,l qlll~ contact the City Clerk s. office via the Florida Relay Sewlce number~..~J