Request 400 - Public Works/EngineeringSTATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Division o! Library and Information SaP/ices Form LSSE107RT-86 1. AGENCY Ci___~of Miami Beach 4. ADDRESS (Street, City, and Zip Code) 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach_~_ FL 33139 Dlpldmlnt ol State BiJrllu of Archlvll arid ,,,.~,:'fl/cm'ds Managlral~t Mill Stltlon 9A The Clpllol TAIlahaaa/l, FL 323g~0250 · ~&TT£NI'ION: RECORDS MANAGEMENT SERVICES a. bo Schedule Item No. No. BC-1R 25 A BC-1R 22 BC-1R 46 B BC-1R 58 C BC-1R 5 A BC-IR 14 BC-1R 56 A 337 1 BC-1R 57 B BC-1R 77 B BC-1R 25 A Correspondence NO. 400 RECORDS DESTRUCTION RE PAGE ~OF 1 _ PAGES 5. CONTACT (Name & TelephOne Number) Cheryl Meltzer 305-673-7411 · Aristotle Are - - - 6. NOTICE OF INTENTION: The scheduled records listed in Item 8 are to be dlapoeed of in the manner checked below: ~1~ a. Deetruction [] b. Microfilming and DeatructlOn [] c. Other 7. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be dleposed of are correctly represented below, that any audit requirements for the records have been fully juatllled, and retention ie not required Ior any litigation pending Date GATTI PUBLIC Type 8. LIST OF RECORD SERIES Deetmctlon e. c. Inclusive in ActiOn and Date Title Date, Cubic Feet Completed Alter Approval Citizen Complaints Invoices Minutes duplicates Attendance Records Car Logs Maintenance Work Orders Sanitation Violation Files Memoranda ~ Requisitions Correspondence * = Sanitation Records = 3.0 cubic Sanitation oNOTE:FOI _.___-------- 9. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION Disposal for above listed records Is authorized. Any deletiOne or modifications are Indicated. N0v -,. 08~ 1979-1984 1979-1984 1978-1979 1985-1987 1976-1980 1984 1983 1980-1982 1980-1982 1980-1982 1980-1982 1.5 3.0 .5 1.5 .5 .5 3.0 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The above tared records have been dieposed of in the manner and on the date ehown In column g. ' Date' Signature Aristotle Ares Assistant to th ' T. Nam..nd Tiff. ;',~/