Request 401 - Management & Budget2.7_63 OEPARTMENT OF STATE 4 0~. Division of Library anti RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST Informallon Services E ]- OF *1 PAGES Form LSSE107,7-86 ~'~J~ 1. AGENCY I'*u,v,s, oN 13. DUR ,' C~TrpV QF MTi%MT ]qV.~C'T4 I MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET . 4. ADDRESS (Street, City, and Zip Code) $. CONTACT (Name &Talephene Number) ARLENE CLAPPER - 673-7510 17~.9 CO~ENTION CENTER DRIVE !~'~! ...... 6. NOTICE OF INTENTION: ~' ~ The scheduled records listed in Item 8 are to be disposed of in the C? :~ ";':' :: ;: manner checked below: ?:"~:~:'::i?! .... Dq)artmenl of Stale ~ a. Destruction [] b. Microfilming and Destruction ~:.: C::, ~:' :: .~ '; Bur~&u O! &rohlvll Iltd [] c. Other r:!::::: r~=.: ,.:~:: Rloordl Mlnloellllllt '~...:. ~ Mill Station 9A ~ ~-~ '"~'~ 7. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby cattily that the records to be dlepoeed of are correctly : .,' ~:~::!~ ,~': 111t Capitol relxaeentej~4)elow, that any audit requirements Ior the records have been fully '. TIIIIhlIIN, FL 3~30~.0250 juellfle~l.,llhd~het lurther retention ia not required lot any Iitigalion pending J. roctor of M~n~c~mont-:.,~- Schedule Item Title (Division Inclusive in Action and Date No. No. usa only} Dates Cubic Feet Completed After Approval ~C-~1~ ~-S ~_ B~DGET CO~SPONDENCE :~---/~ eSe/b/6 ~:) [.5 BC-1//~ 2 ADMTNISTRATTVE SUPPORT FILES ~ 85~6 ~) 1.5 //, The endin~ date has been changed in order, to meet retenUon requi(eme. Is. · NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LSSE10~ · 9. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The above listed records have been Disposal for above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or disposed of in the manner and on the date ahown In column g. modifications are indicated. ~~~~~ .~ ~ ~~~"t~ 0~ ~9 Type Name end T~t~l~( / Dirl~le~, DI~Iiio. el Ubr~y Date and Information Slrvk=le Witness