Request 402 - Police/CID "STATE OF FLORIDA ! DEPARTMENT OF STATE I' Oivi',Jon o! Library and / Information Services lForm LSSE107R7-86 I1. AQENCY City of Miami ~_~ )~ RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST y 2. DIVISION I 3. BUREAU Beach Police CID 4. ADDRESS(Street, Cl~pCode) 1700 Convention Center Miami Beach, Florida PAGE ~ OF ~ PAGES Drive 33139 5. CONTACT(Name&TelephoneNumber) Cheryl Meltzer* 305-673-7411 Nancy wean 305-673-7952 Dej)arlmant of State B0mau of Archives and Reco~dI Management 6. NOTICE OF INTENTION: The scheduled records listed in Item 8 are lo be disposed of In the manner checked below: ~[ s. DsMructlon [] b. Microfilming and Destruction [] c. Other Mill SIIIIon 9A 7. SUBMiTTEDBY:lherebycertlfythattherecordstobedlsposedofarecorrecflY ,The Capitol I represen_q1~L~low, that any audit requirements for the records have been fully 'Tllllhl.lll, FL 323.-0250 ~__an..~at furt~reten~i, not requ,red ,or any liliga'ion pending A~ENTION: RECORDS MANAGEMENT SERVICES I - Signstu~ ' - -D~at~' I Roc~o DeLeo. Caotain J Type Name and Tills ' Schedule Item No. No. BC-2R 41 a & b COMPLAINT RECORDS 8. LIST OF RECORD SERIES d. etsntlo Dlvlaio~ ,as onll il/~_... The ending date has been changed "order to. meet retention requi[ernenl · NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE Form L$5~-108 · 9. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION Disposal lot above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or modifications are Indicated. ,DEC o§ Date Inclusive Data. 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The above disposed of in the manner and onjhe SlgnaYur~ Volume in Cubic Feet Destruction Action end Date Completed Afler Approval Isted records have been  shown In column g. Date ,Lou Gua~to. Assistant £hi~f ~f Pnl~'~