Request 403 - City ClerkSTATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Division of Library and Inlormation Beryl(mi Form L85EIOTR7-S6 1. AGENCY City of Miami Beach 4. ADDRESS ~trMd, ~lty, ~ld ~ .Cra) 1700 Convention uencer Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 ::':: ~.~.:.; ' ..... Dept,tmlnt of stir® .i~':,,.<'~: ~i~'., ~ ::, Information Minqement ::::::'~,!'% "! Mill Stltlon 9A The CiDItol Tnl:nhllnee, FL 32399-0250 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST PAGE ]' OF 1 PAGE~ CityClerk 5. CONTACT ~lme A Telephone NumbM). Cheryl Meltzer 305-673-7411 Richard Brown 305-673-7411 6. NOTICE OF INTENTION: TI~ odmduled reoMds listed In Item 8 ire tobe dl_-~_-eeed_ of Iff the ~ m. Destruction [;) b. MMrofllminolnd Deltrugtlofl [] c. om~. 7. SUBMITTED BY: I INnby (.dlfy tbet the rm:ocd~ to be dl~pcmed of ml~Off~'tly repro#fired below, tbet iny ludlt r~clulmmenl8 for the reoofdl live been fully Jtmtlfled, ,nd thit further mtefltlon is not mquim(I tM mty Iitig~tlon pMtding S~g~;nt,~.~' ' [mm · Richard Brown. -- - ~ \ I~, / .. LIST OF RECORD SERIES BC-3R BC-3R 12 B 3A Ballots (certification on 4/18/88) Administrative Support Files · NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION t~-r~- FORM AH3E108 · DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION WaqiliM Mr ibove listed reecwd~ Ii imhodzed. Any deletkms or imdWltmImm Mi indlc~ind. :DEC 0 5 198g Cubic Feet Completed After 1987 ~ ~y) 1985 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The clive listed records dlslm#d of in the mrmer m)d on the Mo ,~)ml In (:Mum g.