Request 405 - Police/Services STATE OF FLORIDA I -- .~~~ DEPARTMENT OF STATE I RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST Olvillon of Ubrl~/~nd Infomlllion ~wlces I ~ - - · AOENCY - CI~ OF ~ 4. ADDRESS:(Stmet, City, ind Zip Code) O',b WASHINGTON AVENUE as ' SdlndMe Ne. BC-2R BC-2R PAGE } ' . PAQES TO: Department of State Bureau of Re~ordl and Information Management Mall Station 9A The Capitol Tallehassee, FL 323~-0250 CONTACT (Name · Teislthone NumbeO CHERYL MELTZER (305) 673-7411 HAROLD JENNINGS (305) 673-7952 NOTICE OF INTENTION: The Idteduisd ranMd8 limed In Item 8 ere to be dl_%_,~_ of In the maonM obeeknd below. ~ L DMllfuction [? b. Microfilming and DeltnJotion 7. SUBMII'rED BY: I hereby eedlfy thll tbe reonrds to be dllqx)~ecl Gl am con'ectly mptm4ntnd below, IbM ony andit requirements for the ranonis hive been~dly- ju.u.nd, end ih. fF~)ber retention Is not required IM any Iitlgitlon pending 8. UST OF RECORD SERIES bo Item NO. 43 143B 46B 60B 14B 128C 6A 'ntIs CONFISCATIONS PURCHASE ORDERS CORRESPONDENCE ~I~PLOYMENT APPLICATIONS A~fENDANCE RECORDS PAYROLL REGISTERS OR INDIVIDUAL PAYROLL RECORDS ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPO~ FILE · NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE FORM AH3E108 * I:)iSPOG)J. ~dTHOI~ZAT~OH DIs~_,~,,_'e__",~ lot Mxwe listed records is luthodzed. Any deletlm1~ or modifications ire indicated. ' = ?. s. Vdum D~Mnlction Inclusive In Action and Date hies CuMc Feet Cemldetnd After 1983-1984 6.0 THRU 1987 25.0 THRU 1988 2.0 THRU 1985 18.0 THRU 1988 1.0 THRU 1988 23.0 THRU 1985 1.0 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The above listed records hive been diepoMM o1 In the mlpmer anl~on the date shown in column g. - · sigmtum ,/ Dsfo Harold ,]~nnihas Personnel Representative DiroetM, DMoM o! ~ Dido end Inlormltion ~entCel