Request 406 - Computers & CommunicationsSTATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Division of Ub~l~/ Informltlon Services Form L~SE107R7*~ 1. AGENCY City of Miami Beach 4. ADDRESS (Street, City, and Zip Code) 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 ~': TO: ~:... ~ Department of State Bureau of Records and :: ~r RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST ~(~1 pNAO~E 14006F ~.~___._PAGE: ~~~ ~o~m~°u~t er's & communica t ions I ' "(/u~~' S. CONTACT (Nlml · Telephone Nundze~ Cheryl MEltzer 305-673-7411 Fred Braeseker 305-673-7041 ~. NOTICE OF INTENTION: ~ I~=hldulld rlcMd$ IIIInd In Item 8 em to I~ di~m~l of in tim [~ a. Dlalructlon [? b. Ml~m~filmlng end Deetrucllo~ [] c. other Information Management Mall Station 9A The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399.0250 7. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby ~rtlly th~t the records to be dispo~KI of am correctly redreeentnd below, tl~t any audit require~ente for the records have been f.u. lly Justified, end tl~t~lurti~ retention is !~ required IM any Iltlgetlon penalng · ' ~i'nature Dire // ....~..~- ~ OF RECORD SERIES ,~r~'~'/r ~'~',4~ ~/ I. LIST S~clule NO. BC-2R BC-2R BC-2R bo Item No. 12 C Audit Reports (Duplicates) Budget Duplicates Administrative Support Files NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE FORM AH3E108 · · , G~J~JPOSAL AUTHORIZATION ~ tot M)ove 118ted ~ord8 18 luthodzed. A~ty dMetions or rnodiflcllioflnB B~ indicated. FEB o ? ~09o do ~etention (Division use only) Inaluiive I~Btel thru 1985 thru 1985 thru 1985 Volume ] Deetrugtion In Action eed Dire Cubic Feet Completed After .5 .5 .5 Fred BraesS~r, Dilrector,~MiS Type Nlm mid TIIIi ~ ~/I Gloria Jones, Administrative Aide I,~,{.~, Wltnees ~ ~ PLACED IN TRASH 2/13/90 DIM=W, Ol~Mi~ end MIMmMkm