Request 407 - Building STATE OF FLORIDA 407 DEPARTMENT OF STATE NO. o,.,.~o, of ub.~/..d RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST Inform&rio. Service.Form/SSE107f17-e8 5~"9 PAGE ] OF I PAGES 1. AGENCY [ ~' DIVISION City of Miami Beach Buildin§ Department 4. ADDRESS (Sleet, City, end Zip Code) 5. CONTACT (Name · Teleplvme Numbor) 1700 Convent±on Center Drive Cheryl Meltzer 305-673-7411 Miami Beach~ Florida 33139 Paul Gioia 305-673-7613 & NOTICE OF INTENTION: The scheduled recorcls Il·ted In Item 8 ire to be dlepoeed Gl In the ':::~...:~ ~'::,:" Department Gl Stste [] c. Other ..... . :'.:- Bureau of Recordl and '. :!' ~:'~ ..:~ <:~,: Information Management .~'~: c.? Mail Station 9A 7. SUBMITTED BY: I ~fy that the flcorde to be clilpoeed of am correctly .... ~:-'".:. - :" fwpreeented bevy ludiJAwqulrmnante for the recordl hive been fully :.,.-:. :!..~ c:: ,:.: Tho Capitol Jultlfiecl, anti,liSt ~ retina,1, il not itqulmd fro' Iny Iitlglllofl pending ~::: ~i:.. ,~.:~ . Tallahaseee, FL 32399-0250 cl. ~ ' f- g' "-'-- ~ Deetru~tlon a. - b. c. Retention a. S4=hedule Item TItle (Division Inclusive in Action and Data No. No. ua· only) Dates Cubic Feet Completed A~ar BC-~ 17 3uildlng Permit Applications ,~"~r 1970-1977 5.0 ~C-5 22 Cash Receipts ~--'~' 1980-1985 3.0 Be-5 30 Complaints .~-~ 1980 2.0 BC-5 55 Inspectors Daily Route Sheets ~ 1978-1980 3.0 BC-5 34/3 Correspondence & Administrative ~7~ thru 1985 3.0 Support Files · NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION tiS--. FORM AH3E108 · O. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION 10.__DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The above Ilated ~cls have been ~ for above Ilated recorcle la authorized. Any detelkme or /"~-~ ol in the mafmor -,nd on tim data ihoum In column g. ,~ 'JAN ~ 0 1990 C.~k~e~' lad Infoflwmk)fl 8erfk:ee -- Wltf~ -