Request 409 - Finance #409STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Dlvtllon of Ubrlry Inform~tion Fom~ LSSE10?R?-88 1. AGENCY City of Miami ~~ NO. 409 qRECORDSDESTRUCTIONREQUEST..U.~V~,~PAQE :]' 'oF~pAG~S Beach Financ< Department I ~ ~ 4. ADDRESS($trem, Cl~,ond~pC~de) 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 BC-1R BC-1R BC-1R BC-1R BC-1R BC-1R TO: Depadment of State i. CONTACT (Nlme & Telephone Number)- Cheryl Meltzer 305-673-7411 NOTICE OF INTENTION: The Bcheduled re4:ords listed In Item 8 ire to be clilpEmed of In 1he [] I. Destruction [? b. Microfilming and Ddmtruglkm E~ c. OUN~ Bureau of Re~wd8 and Information Management Mall Station 9A The Capitol Tallahaaaee, FL 32399,0250 J~tlfl~ ~ retention Is not required for any litigation pe~ng / '~--.V~/~u'~- \ 1/12/90 Robert J. Nachl~nger. Finance Director ,/,,~: -- _ ,.LIST OF RECORD SERIES .. Ineluslve%------~c''''''-- I. A~ mad Dale Da. I Culdc Feet Com/~e~fler 65 A 15 1 18 5A Payroll Records (3 boxes) Cgsh Receipts Report (24 boxes) Accounts Payable/Receivable (24 boxes) Bank Reconciliations & Statements (4 boxes) Check Canceled (13 boxes) Attendance Records Employees (4 boxes) · NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE FORM AH3E106 · DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION ~ fo~ above Ilsl~l nco.is is luthodzed. Any deletions or ~ are indicated. ~ __ F'E B 0 ? 1090 1/85-9/85 lO/55-9/86 lO/85-~/86 lO/85-9/86 lO/83-9/84 lO/86-9/87 4.5 36 36 19.5 6. 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The above listld records hm been Tyll~Nlml and TItle/~ ~j,/... ~ Wlt~.~,/~., ~