Request 421 - City ClerkSTATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE DIvl-ion of Library and Informalion Services Form LSSE107RT-86 1. AGENCY City of Miami Beach 4. ,, D~D~E~ (Strut. C. lt~, .nd ~z~ .cc~,) ~/uu ~onven~lon ~en~er Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 TO: Department of State Bureau of Records and Information Management ~ Mall Station 9A ~ ,The Capitol ':'~ Tallahaasee, FL 32399-0250 BC-3R BC-3R b. Item RECORDS D~STRUCTION REQUE~T/~ [~ ~A~E__L_OF City Clerk i. CONTACT (Name & Telephone Number) Cheryl Meltze~ 305-673-74[ [ ~cha~d ~o~ 305-673-74[ [ PAGES S. NOTICE OF IN~ENTION: The Ioheduled records lieted In Item 8 are to be diepo~ed of In ~ manner checked below: ~ a. Deetructlon [i! b. Microfilming and Destruction [] ¢. Other Title 7. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be dleponed of ere oon~ctly repm~entnd below, that any audit requlremente for the reconle have been fully Juetlfled. and that further retention Is not r~lui~/,J~eny litigation pending Q~ Imminent. /~ -- ' - /- / - Signature Dele Elaine Math~ws ~kmr _ P,i ~v ~1 ~- ~. . ~ Type Name end Tltle~ ~ ~ 3~ ~/m 8. LIST OF RECORD SERIES ./, /',~ ~_.)~//~'~/ Inclullve In Aetlofl ~ Dete No. 34. A~ 62 A Correspondence & Memos Legal Advertisement Records The ending date has been order t~ i~neet retention req~ Detll 1965-1975 1977~984~ Cubic Feet 1.5 1.5 Completed After · NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE FORM AH3E108 · DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The .w.. L Disposal for above listed records 18 authorized. Any deletions or modifications are Indicated. Dimctoc. Division of Ubrary Date dlspoeed of In the manner and on the date ebown In column g. Sig~llture , T~ Mam'a~ ~tle Date