Request 422 - Public ServicesSTATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Division of Ubrary Informlllon Servlce~ Form LSSE 107R?-86 1. AGENCY City of Miami Beach 4. ADDRESS(Serene, Cl.,end ~pC(xk)) 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach. Florida 33139 ...... TO: ;::::"'::" Department of Stale :~ :::: Bureau of Records and ~':: .... Information Manl~ement ::::: Msil Stmtlon 9A ......The Capitol Tmllahamsee, FL 32399-0250  422 RECORDS D~STRUCTION REQUEST NfJE ~ OF ~ ~S~N I ZBURSAU~ Public Services LCONTACT(NIme&TMIMNumbM)- Cheryl Meltzer 305-673-7411 Arlene Cash 305-673-7660 I PAGES NOTICE OF INTENTION: The m:hedMed re~xd~ #eted In Item B ere to be dlepo~d oi in th, I~ I. Deetm~o. [;! ~ Microfilming end Deitn~tlon [] c.o.w 7. SUBMITTED BY: I hMeby ~Mtily thll the record, to be di~lXmed of ere correctly mlXeeMmind below, Ihet eey ludlt rKlulranllnte fM the r~o~de hive been fully Juetifled, ind that fUllhM retenllon Ii not requlrld fm any litigation pending - Richard ~-~tti, Public ~ Detl bervlces Dar eo - Schedule No. BC-1R Item No. S. UST OF RECORD SERIES Retentkm (Dlvtekm ueeoMy) 56 A Maintenance Work Orders/Job Orders as per Public Services · NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION I..15~ FORM AH3E108 · DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION Dle~'~___'I lot ebon listed rl(~.'de is euthMtzld. Any dMMIM~ M mmlittcit~on~ are indicated. APR 1 6 1990 eo InCiullvt Detel 970-1985 VMume in CuM¢ Feet Deetnmtlon A~tkm and Dete Completed After 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The ebow listed re~xde h.ve been d~elx~ld of in the mr and on thl d.te ~.)wn in ¢Mumn g. T~ Nlm mhd TItlt / Witnee~ x Di/I~IM. Div~km M ~ D~lle