Request 424 - Personnel/Affirmative Action DE.AaT,~E.T OF STA~E .0 Division of Archives. History - RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQ ST Form AH3EI07~ ' ~~,/ 1. AGENCY I 2. DIVISION i 3. BU C~7 o~ ~am~ ~eac~I ~e~so~I ~ma~ ~c~o~ 4. ADDRESS (Street, CRy, and Zip C~e) 5. CONTACT (Name & Telepho~ Num~ ~a~ ~ac~, ~ 33~9 ~ C. ~o~s~e~(303) 673-7097 6. NOTICE OF INTENTION: ~ The sch~uled ~ords listed in Item 8 are Io ~ dished et In the ~,,~ manner ch~k~ ~low: ~:~:~ : ~a. ~str~tion ~ b. Microfilming and Destruction ~;' ~,,~ .... ~ DEPARTMENT OF STATE ~ c. Ot~r ~,.~ DIVISION OF ARCHIVES, HISTORY ~;~ ~,;~ ~:::,,. ~ AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT ~:~:=~(.} ~*J TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32~1~20 7, SUBMI~ED BY: I hereby codify that t~ ~o~s to ~ dis~s~ .4~' ........ L~J of are co~ctly represented ~low and that any audit / Signatu~ - A~ENTION: RECORDS MANAGEMENT SERVICES [~e ~a~ham~ ~e~so~e[ d. ~ - ~ /' J~g' a. b. c. ~et~tl~ e. Volume Best~tlon Schedule Item Title (Bi~si~ Inclull~ In Action ~d Date No. No. use only) Bat~ Cu~c F~I Com~ A~er A~al Revised Firefighter applicant Data Sheets; ~r/~ 12/1986 1985, & 1986 HUD EEO - 4 Repo~rts. [C 57 Hemo~a~dum a~d Co~u~i~ Service [983 - ~ [.0 [eco~ds ~ 12/1986 NOTE: AUTH~IZATI~ F~ DESTR~TI~ OF THESE REC~DS APPR~ED PR~IDED THE RETENT~ RE~RENENTS HAVE BEEN ~TISFIED. · NOTE: FO~ CONTINUATION USE FORM AH3EI08 · 10. DISPOSAL C~TIFICATE ~ a~w li~t~ m~s have ~en 9. DISPOSAL AUTHORI~TION ~~ et I~t~ ~nnlr and on~ datl ~hown in column g. Disposal for above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or modifications are indicated. ~ ~~~' , ~_'* ' 8 / 20 / 90 - ~ Signature Date Officer T~ Name a.~ TIUe ~ and R~ords Management Wlt~ ~ ~