Request 427 - Convention Center/Administration DE.^.T.E.T or oi.isio, o, ^,c,~,.., .~,tory RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST Form A~E107R6-~ ~ 1. AGENCY CITY oF MI~I B~CH Convention Center knistration 4. ADDRESS (Streel, City, and Zip C~e) 5. CONTACT (Name & Telephone Numar) [700 Co~ve~[~o~ Ce~e~ D~ve Che~y[ H~m~ ~ach. P[o~$da 33139 (305) 673-74[[ 8. NOTICE OF INTENTION: ~e sch~uled ~ords Iisled In Ilem 8 are to be disposed of In the ~,~ manner choked below: ~ DEPARTMENT OF STATE ~ c. Other [~t;~ ~ DIVISION OF ARCHIVES, HISTORY ~ AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT ?. SUBMI~ED BY: ! hereby eedify that the records to ~ disposed TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32~1-~ ~:~"~[~ ~O~ ~ of are co~tly mpresenled below a~lhat any audll ~j req~tl for the records hav~en hJ~y satisfied. / ~ATT~TION: RECORDS MANAGEMENT SERVICES Norma~ ~l~Z, ~lrec~r Typ, . D I ' I a. b. c. Retention e Volume es ruct on Schedule Item Title (Dldslon Inclusive In Action and Date No. No. use only) Dltel Cu~c F~t C~pleled After A~roval BC-[~ 24C Co~[~ac[s, ~eases & [0/[/86- [.5 A~eeme~s (Special ~ve~[s ~ 9/30/87 [.0 BC-[~ 57~ Hemo~a~da 9/30/87 [.0 aC-iR ~25~ Correspondence 9/30/87~ [0/[/86-~ [.0 BC-[E [5 Cash ~ece~p~s & ~epo~[s ~ 9/30/87~ ~ NOTE: ~TH~i~T]~ F~ DESTRUCT[~ OF THESE REC~DS ~P~D PR~[DED THE RETE~TI~ RE~XREHENTS HAVE ~EH ~TXSF[ED. · NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE FORM AH3E108 9. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The above listed records have been Disposal for above listed records Is authorized. Any deletions or disused of In the man~r and on the date ahown In column g. m~lflcallons are Indlcaled.  Signature Date Josephine ~. Shamam, A~inistrative 7 "-- N.m...d T.,. Secretary Director, Division Archives, Hlsto~ Data ~ and Reco~s Management Witness