Request 428 - City Clerk STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE DIvielon of Ulxlry end Infom~tlofl FMm LSSE10?R?.88 1. AGENCY City of Miami Beach 4. ADDRESS (Strut, City, mid 7ap Code) 17~O Corf~ntion Center Drive M~ Be~a~ch, Florida 33139 ~.~'~ i~ C~ ~ TO: .,lt,.~:~ ~ D~a~m~t of State ).~ ~.~ Bumiu of ~ ~d 1.~.:.~,.~~ Inf~tl~ ~n~ment ~, Mall Station gA ~e ~pitol TallehiisN, ~ 3~2~ BC-1R RECORD; DESTRUCTION REQUEST NO. PA~E , · . ~. DIVIBION 3. City Clerk ~. CONTACT (NM~ · Telephone NuMmi- Cheryl Meltzer 305-673-7411 428 NOTICE OF INTENTION: ~he eMNdMied reomM JIM In Item 8 Me lo be dlelx~ed M h the w dl~bed below: [~XL Oeetmetkm [? b. MkaMilmtngandD~etmetlon Item 2 7. SUBMi ill=D BY: I bemby MWly that MI rltmid, to be dlipoMM of Me =MTICtly repmeented below, that Mty ludlt mqdmmente fMthe mGord8 have been fully Ric~rown, Assistant City Cler~ 8. UST OF RECORD SERIES Administrative SupportFiles (Reporter's notes of City Commission & Redevelopment Agency meetings -- official minutes are completed as well as the compliance with retention schedule for sound recording tapes~ / · NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE FORM AH3EI08 · DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION OlllXZlM iM lbo1/· Iieted recmde Ii euthoHzid. Any dlMIMn8 m modMltcldm~ am Indicated. through 12/31/84~ ( Volume Cublo Feet i PAGES g. Deatnmtton Aotlon ~ Dmte After 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The IMzN listed mcoids hive been diil~oMd Gl in the mlM~M end on tbe date elNw~ In column g. ~MtuM Date ~rd E. Bro~ssis, tant City Clerk Witness ~