Request 431 - City Manager/Redevelopmento*,,,w,~, km,,,~, RECORDS DESTRUCTION REOUE.~=~I~k/ 1. ~ENCY I Ct~7 ~naseg's o~1ce -i Redevel~en~ Asenc7 C1~7 DE Hlaml Beach 1700 Convention Cen~e~ D=tve Che~y1 HelCzer 30~-673-7411 I. NOTICE OF INTENTION: ....... : Depaflment of Stnte ~ ~. ~ .... 7. SUB~~ ~at h ~. to ~ d.~ of m ~lly I. ~ST OF RECORD SEAIES L ' b. o. ~t~t~ e. VMum No. No. ~e ~ ~1 C~ FNI ~ Aher BC-iR 25a CO~SPONDENCE ~ 1976-85 · NOTE: FO~ CONTINUATION USE FO~M AM3EI~ · - ~0~ ~ 0 10~ ~y Pinder, A~inistrative Secretary