Request 434 - Public WorksSTATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Divtlion of LItNlzy anti Infonflitlon 1. AOENCY City of Miami Beach 4. ADDRESS~t, CI~,end ~pCodi) 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 TO: Department of State Burolu of Records Incl Information Mana0oment Mall S."ttl,~, gA The Capitol Tallahauee, FL 32399-0250 BC-1R b. Item No. RECORDS DESTRUCTION DIVISION Public Works E OF J I&CONTACT~imo&TOlopMH~NumMfJ- Cheryl Meltzer ' 305-673-7411 Aristotle Ares 305-673-76.22 NOTICE OF INTENTION: The ~.Mdul~d rKeflis listed In Item 8 m lo be CblX)fld et In the mmnM cMoked beknz E~ .. Dootmetk. £:] b. Uknm,mg.nd Do.,...km [::]coeur . PAGES 7. SUBMITI'ED BY: I hereby corlifv thlt the records lo be di .speMd of mi cocmctl.v flpmlmntld below, that Iny ludlt ~ta for tbe rleonJI hive been fully I ]Ultillld, Mid tlllt W fltlfltiOn Il IIM Ilqulmd for Iny Iltlgltlofl bending I / Sianelum '/ ' Dine ' Richard Gatti, Pubic Works DIrec~%~,~.-; / . 8. LIST OF RECORD SERIES I. 1975-1981 f. Volume In Cubio Feet g. Deotru=tlofl A~Jo. 8nd Dote Completed After Administrative Support Files · NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION U~E FORM AH~EI08 · DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE Tho IdJO~ Iltod roeoed8 hive boon dill)OSKI of In lbo miNiM lid MI tho dim IhOWfl In column g. Dote Aristotle Ares, Assistant to Dept. Head DISPOSAL AUTHORIZAllON OMpMM IM above rioted Dk~W. DMek~ M LJk~ ~