Request 437 - Public Works DEPARTMENT OF STATE Dl~lelon of UIx~y end Inforrfmtlo~ 8ewice~ Form LS~E107~?.B6 FAGENCY City of Miami Beach 4. ADDRESS(S~t, CI~,m~Z~Cm~) 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 T~. Department of State Bur. u of FI4corcli and Information Minloement Mall Station gA The Capitol RECORDS DESTRUCTION 0~O# Public Work ~ CO~T~CT ~ & T~ Cheryl Meltzer ' 305-673-7411 Aristotle Ares 305-673-7522 REQUES~ ' NOA~E L NOTICE OF INTENTION: The ecMdded ~ limed In Itel I m lo be dK~oNd Gl In the memIM dleoked limos. 7. SUBMII'rED BY: I he~byc~Ntlly thM Ihe mcofl~ to be dlqx)eed Gl am c:ocmctly re~ bdio~ : Iny ludit rlqdmmema for tile/mmn~ hive INlen fully ~ Richar~ LIST OF RECORD SERIES BC-1R BC-1R 351 b. Item No. 56 B Administrative Support Files Maintenance Work Orders (Duplicates Zoning Variance Requests and Determination Case Files (DUplicate · NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE FORM AI~E108 · AUTHORIZATION for eboee limed ~co~la ia luthodzsd. Any dMMl0n, M moditlcadm~ am Indicated. PAGES DMInlotion in Awtlon ind Date CMo Feet Completed After 1965-1985 6.0 1975-1981 1.5 1977-1981 1.5 DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The M liMKI reeMdl hive been dim of in the rellim Ind .it Ihi Me show. tn column g. TyI~ Name and TWa Wlbleel \