Request 441 - Public Works STATE OF FLO~DA OEPARTMENT OF STATE Dlvielon of ~ enlS Fom~ L _ _~,~_ 107R7.88 1. AGENCY City of Miami Beach 4. A00_~_~ IS:.~;. City..nd Z~ C,~.) 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Public Works D~partment of 8tare L CO~fl'ACT (N*~m & Tm Nm/md. Cheryl Meltzer ' 305-673-7411 Aristotle Ares 305-673-7622 The Idildldld momdl Iillld km #lin IIm lo be cllp0eed ol lira #lc n~ cWoked bd~. 7- SUBiTTED BY: I liad~oef#ty tlille gmxNds to be clepo#d og mm (.mm~y Ju~ll#M. ~Nt Ill further mWntlon # ,i required for amy fltlO~o, i)endlng BC-1R BC-1R BC-1R BC-1R BC-1R BC-1R 344 BC-1R Im 2 15 22 25 75 5 Bid Specifications Duplicates Administrative Support Files Cash Receipts/Reports Complaints, Citizens & Consumers Correspondence Purchase Orders Duplicates Reading Files 66 B Personnel Files Duplicat'es BC-1R 77 B Requisition Duplicates BC-1R 56 B Maintenance Work Orders BC-1R 45 Inventory Records Supplies BC-1R 5 B Attendance Records Duplicates /¢ 1923-1988 1949-1982 1971-1972 1968-1980 1969'1976 1967-1978 1972-1973 1974-1978 1972-1983 1971-1973 1983-1984 1971-1979 1973-1979 57.0 51.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 22.5 3.0 4.5 4.5 3.0 1.5 1.5 FEB 1 8 1991