Request 448 - Planning & Zoning STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ~TATE Ol~lelon of LIl~f~,y N Infomllllofl ~ 1. AQENCY 4. ADDRESS (S;~i. Clly. ,nd ZIp Co4B) 1700 Convention Center Drive M~ami Beach, Florida 33139 Depmrtment of State a~ Bureau of ReocNxb .id ~ Inform. tlon Mm~gement ~ ..... Mall Station SA :~ The Capitol Taltahaam, FL 32300-0250 BC-1R RECORDS D.F. STRUCTION REQU~,,/i~~.. ~, ,~GE . ! ?lann±nq & goninq Denny GibBs 305-673-7550 BC-1R Im 57 A Cheryl Meltzer 305-673-7411 B. NOTICE OF INTENTION:. The ..#Bduled Ila.~ls #~ted In Item 8 m to be cl~ of In th~ nmlm~ cllea~ml bldaw: & 1.18T OF IIECOIIO SERIES Administrative Support Files Memoranda · PAGES 1977-1983 1982-1985 18.0 4.5