Request 450 - Police & Fire Pension DEPARTMENT OF STATE D~.i.,o. o, Ar.',,,*.. H~'.,o~, RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQuES and Records Management I=orm AH3ElOTR6-85 ~ ~ ~ ~5~,~ ? 'OF'PAGES 1. AGENCY I 2. DIVISION I ~ ~ ~--. City of Miami Beach ~ Police ~ Fire Pension ~ Police ~y~re Pension 5. CONTACT (Name A Tele~ Num~ 4. ADDRESS (~reet, City, and Zip 1700 Convention Can;er Drive Cheryl Meltze~' (305) 573-7q11 Miami B~ch, FL 33139 Celia'B. Locke (305} 673-7039 6. NO~CE OF INTENTION: ~ ~ul~ ~s listed in Item 8 are Io ~ dl.~ of In the ~ ~ C~ manner c~k~ ~w: ~ ~O: ~Xa. ~n ~ b. Microfilming and Desl~tion ~::~;~ ~ DEPARTMENT OF STATE ~ c. Ot~ ~ DIVISION OF ARCHIVe, HISTORY ~;;~ ~ AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT ~ ~ 7. SUBMI~ED BY: I he.by cedify that t~ ~o~ to ~ dll~.d ~..,,. ~ ] TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32~1~20 of am c~tly mp~sent~ ~low I~ t~t any a~it requirement= f~ the r~ ~ ~ tully satisfl~. ~// / / A. ENTION: RECORDS MANAGEMENT SERVICES 8. LI~ OF RECORD SERI~ ~ f. g. a. b. c, Ra~l~ e, V~e ~t~ti~ Sch~ule Item Title (DI~ I~la~ in ~ ~d Date No, No, u~ ~y) D~ C~¢ F~ C~e~ A~er 347 1 Payroll Registers (DUplicates) ' 06/19/88 · NOTE: FO~ CONTINUATION USE FO~M AH3EI~ 9. DISPOSAL AUTHORI~TION 10- DISPO~L CE~CA~ ~ a~ Ii~ ~e ~ ~n . Ols~sal for a~ve listed records is authori~d. Any deletlone or m~iflcatlon, a~ indicated. Dl~tor, DivI.I~ Amhl~e, Hlstow Data /~/~ ( ~~~ - and R~O~S Management