Request 452 - Police/RecordsF STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE DIvIMon of Ubrlry InO Inlorm~llofl Services Form LSSE107RT.86 1. AGENCY 4. ADDR~S(St~t, CI~,Ind~pCodl) 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Fla. 33139 RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQ/I~i~ BEACH ~ POLICE DEPARTMENT } RE~R~S ] PAGES TO.' Department of StAte Bummu of Reoords mhd Infmmmtlon Mmnl0ement MMI Station GA The Capitol Tmllahassee, FL 32399-0250 S. CONTACT (Nlme & Telephofll Numbe~- Cheryl Meltzer (305) 673-7411 RPrnrd~ I B. NOTICE OF INTENTION'.-' The Bcheduled rlcJocdl limed in Item 8 ire Io be disposed of in the nmnner ~ below: ~ I. Deetrm:tion ~? b. Miorofllming ind Deetruction I-1 c. Other 7. SUBMiITED By: I hereby cmtlfy thru the records to pe clsPNed of m cormotly I~xllented I)14ow~!t InY 'udl' ~IIIl~" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f.u. lly Justlfleci, and/t~)d~rurthec rlt~ll6n l~fm4~)Kiuirnd for ~ny litigation penamg ! Type Nlm,nd TItle ~/, ~4, ~ ~ ~ $' __ __./! , ~.. 8. UST OF RECORD SERIES bo 1 Fax Cover Sheet January - December 1991 (Administrative Value is lost) ~ NOTE: AUTHORIZATION FOE DESTRUCTION OF THESE RECORDS APPROVED PROVIDED THE RETENTiON REQUIREHENTS HAVE BEEN SATZSFIED. l/l/91 thru 12/31/9 Volume In Cubic Feet Please telephone volume in to Lisa Michalowski at 904-487-2180. llfooeecL-! In tho I ~ ~ ~ ~ in column g. ; '~- ; Signl~'I ' - DII 7' .......... / - Typl Nime and TI#I