Request 456 - Personnel/Recruiting & SelectionSTATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Division o! I.ibrlry am] Information $lfvlael ;o,-;n L~a~_107R7-88 1. AGENCY City of Miami ADDRESS(Stmet, Ci~,Ied ;p Cede) 1700 Convention Center Drive Miam~ Beach, FL 33139 DESTRUCTION REGU~ ~ r~t~',~,~/ .o' qS~ RECORDS L/~ ~/~PNI' ' OF I PAGES I.~ I~ DIVI~ON i ~ .U,~,~~ ~ Beach Personnel I ~ecru~t~n~ & S~l~ti~ - ~ CONTA~ ~N~ A T~~ N~m~1. Department of State Bureau of Recorda and Information Management Mall Station 9A The Capitol Tallahaasee, FL 323994)250 8. NORGE OF INTENTION: The IN:~NKluIId re(wi'ds listed in Item 8 ire to be disposed of In the nmneer cheded below:. ~ L Deetn~tlon ~ b. Microfilming ~ Deetnmtkm [] 7. SUBMITTED BY:I INnby cirtify thlt the r~=~l, to bi diM. ~ ~lm~mm~fuli.Y' ----~.~m.. md ~m, midit mmdllmlnte fo~there4:acdlnlw~m' · ltmtlfled, and thM W.r~teetlon p not required for any Iltigati~on I~/ng 'Ern~B~ham, Personnel D ii.' b. Sdmclule Item No. No. /~ 30 ~ 25b. 28b. & UST OF RECORD SERIES Cub~ Feet Cmnl~d Aft.~ Employment Examination Records Correspondence b. non-routine relating to unsolicited resumes and employment inquiries Employment Applications and Resumes b. not hired thru 1988 4 1988 2 DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION D~'_~_'~_;I for id)ore listed re(:on~l Il luthodzecL Any deletionl or moclifi~Uonl ire indl~ltmd. t- °'- 1988 10 · NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE FORM AH3EI08 ' 10. DISPOSAL Ct:HiiFiC&TE Tire ~-5~- I~:::~ --=-:----~- - .... '~t~ · JUL 0 9 1991 '