Request 457 - City Manager "". 'j., 11 0' RONDA .....N1' M ITAft ...... of UWIfY ... Ift.....-an ....... ,..... LaM"""" \ LL,Y NO,~:~- l.\Sl AClI.l- Of ---L- MelD . .. .. ~ to AGENCY - City of Miami Beach .. ADDRESS ....... CItr. ..... ZIp CGde) t 1700 Convention Centtn t .p, ;~,,~:,,:~;' 10: .. OF.-smDN: .. .., f ~....... II....... .... . .. .... .spoHCI" In .. _ ......1IIeIMr. a ... D. 1101 n [ I Sa. .'(/WIII................... o Co .... (/';l., . ~:'~i:: ::;:::.,}~ ~'''''''- C:1<.)":'- i~.JCcr,l"l ~~~ ~.c..,. tl~:: ~;:~ ~l[~-' ~__. Department of ..... Time ....... of .... ..... Infarmatlon ............. Mall ,...Ion .. The CapItol T........., FL 323I8-02IO 7. Sll8llmlDal:I......,...,................... ..p a r .i....ClClIncUy ~..........,................ tor.. ..................full' Mil... ~ .......... Is .. ........... ..., ....... pencil", " · .~.~l,,),Zi:o ' ~/"~~ 1 T ........... (i':;' C-..1 L LIST OF IIICOIID_ do .. ..- Sa. .. .... U .. DMIructIan ........ .... TIlle ........ ......... AotIon ... Dets No. .... - ..,. DetM C........, .lfIef App..... BC-1R 25a COrrespondence ~f4 70 r BC-1R 57a Memoranda sF4 4 BC-1R 46a Invoices (receivable/payable) ~Fd 4 BC-1R 2 Administrative Support 3rr;;z. 20 BC-1R 5B~ C, Minutes - duplicates ~S4 1979-1987 20 (j) NOTE: AUTHORIZATION FOR DESTRUCTION OF THESE RECORDS APPROVED PROVIDED THE RETENTION REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN SATISFIED 0 ~ "t .... \..., '- . NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE FORM AH3E_ · to DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION 10. DISPOIIL C DI...... far..... ...... NCOId. Is lIUIhcIIt..s. Nrr .......... 01' .., a r r,..1n IIIOdIIIceIIaM .. I -, "1 d ......,......... u.., Dele ... .........- ...... .......... Date Peter Liu,_Assistant City Manaqer ~:E~u CATE TIw ..... lI.ted ........ ..... ...... on .... elate ........ .. " '-' (~ .'" r:. .. n. . '-' - - ~~ SEP 091991 - \"" / -'ATI 0' 'lONDA ...,.MINT 0' STATI .Jlvl" of UIlr.., end 1"~'1On IetvIcH 'onn LIIl '071117" RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST NO. _~~-- t{ 51 'AGE -L- 0' -'- 'AGEl 4. ADDRESS (81..... City, and ZIp Code) 1700 Convention Center Drive 2. DIYISION a. IUREAU City Manager I s office ~~>~-" I. CONTACT INam. . TeI.phone Num...., Cheryl Meltzer 305-673-7411 1. AGENCY ,,-... City of Miami Beach TO: D.p.rtm.nt of St.t. Bure.u of Recorda .nd Inform.tlon M.nag.m.nt Mall St.tlon SA Th. Capitol T.II.h...... FL 32399.0250 I. NOTICE Of INTENTION: The tcMduled rKordl nlled In "em I a,. 10 be e11lpond 01 In ... manner checked below: Ul L Deltrucllon [ 1 b. Microfilming and Deslrucllon o e. Other 7. SUIMITTED IY: I hereby cerllfy IhallM recordllO be d1lpoucl 01.... cornelly I.nted below.lhaI any audll requlrementl for 1M recordl haw lIMn lully IfIed. ancllhal I "'anllon II not required lor Iny IlIIgltlon pencllng . t. .. UST Of RECORD SERIES IS. I. 0- .. . b. e. Retenllon e. YoIuml o.atructlon Schedule Ilem Title (DI"alon Inclualve In Action and Dlt. No. No. IIU only) Datea Cubic fHt CompI.led loner AJtproveI BC-1R 25a Correspondence 1974-1987 70 \. BC-IR 57a Memoranda 1968-1982 4 BC-IR 46a Invoices yreceivab1e/payable) 1984-1987 4 . BC-IR 2 Administrative Support 1986-1987 20 BC-IR 58b Minutes - duplicates 1979-1987 20 ~ '\ \s- . NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE FORM AH3E108 · t. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION 10. DISPOSAL CERTIfiCATE The above IIlled rKordI hi.. lIMn Dllpolal lor aboY. nltad record I II aulhorlzed. Any delallonl or dllpo..d olin tile manner and on tile dala lhown In column 0- mocIIflcatlonl a,. IndlcatlCl. ->- ~ Signature Oat. Type Nama and Till. Olrec'cw. OIwl.1on ot Ubrery end Intormetlon Sentlce. Oat. Wit",..