Request 459 - City Manager/Administration ' STATE OF FLORIDA I ............. , A/~ ~ , A~ 4. ADDRESS (St~ ~, ~ ~ * 1700 Co~e~tio~ Ce~te= D=i~e ! obe=ta S~oa~e (305)673-7010 Miami Beach, FL 33139 "~. ~Y Pinder C t'Y CLE;',~" ~ **'T, & NOIEE OF INTENTIOn. 11to "dmddod roemds Bored in Itom I ore to bo cliolmOOd o~ in tho : I ImubYOmffytlm Itomeordo to Im dlopoeod of 8fu ~xmcffy /noir Ille m~m~ll Im~e bee. fully ernabei Talar:' BC-1R BC-1R BC-1R BC-1R BC-1R BC-1R 25a 57a 58c 4lb 12b 23 I. LLST QF IIECORO 8FJIiE8 Correspondence Memoranda Minutes - Duplicates Grant Files - Duplicates Budget - Supporting Documents mploy~e Training Act Documents NOTE: AUTHORIZATIC~J FOR DESTRUCTZC~ OF THESE RECORDS APPROVED PROVIDED THE RETENTZON REQUZREHENTS HAVE BEEN SATISFZED. · NOTE: FOR CONllNUA?.-:.,~. ~ F~...: ~iC, i · Dllild~I~ ~ldllltll Rltld Irlocmd118 ImlllofizllL j~ty dllllllm of Vahml 1965-19, 39 g. Oeetmmlo. Action ~ Omo Core,toted Aftor Jlqxout 1981-198' 4 1986-1987 1982-1987 1983-198~ 1984-1985 2 1 2 2