Request 464 - Police/Evidence & Property STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Dlvlalon 01 Archlvea, Hlalory end Recorda Men8flement Form DS.RM 107 (Rev. 5.82) NOTICE OF INTENT ij TO DESTROY SCHEDULED RE!=OI\l AND DISPOSAL CERnFICATE NonCE NO, 4v4 PAGE t OF "-1- PAGES r- t. AGENCY 2. DIVISION Cit of Miami Beach Police 4. ADDRESS (Street, City, and Zip Code) 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL. 33139 Property Unit 5. CONTACT (Name I Telephone Number) Nata,lie L. Harvey (305)7673-976411 Edw~n Young 305-6 3-7 0 .:;;..~::;,~::'" {;}.5~::r~f ". .. ~-::::: ...~.. J':::? l , ;':.-; . "../ ~, /,.J... ~:~;~f} (".') ',::re:! ' LI... jJ'" ~, '" / .. '.. C-"'J ~~~.~~:~ 8. NOTICE OF INTENTION: The .chllduled record. II.ted In Item 8 are to be dlapo.ed 0' In the IIIIInner checked below: TO: DEPARTMENT OF STAYE DIVISION OF ARCHIVES, HISTORY AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 ~ a. DestructIon o c. Other o b. Microfilming and Destruction 7. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certl'y that the record. to be dl.poaed 0' Ire correctly repres below and that any audit requirements for thepconls "Mia ~ ..~.. ==:~ . ATTENTION: RECORDS M.Il"NAGEtAEf'n SERVICES 8. LIST OF RECORD SERIES a. b. Schedule Item No. No. BC-2R 68 r- c. Tille d. InclUllve Dates e. Volume f. Destruction Action and Date Complated After proval Evidence Processing Records 5/9/71 ~~1f,4- To 1/19/88 r:" ; ~~~""~"~ . l,~::). "(.' ._.f" ,~ " ,.J,!. ~, ," :)l · NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE FORM DS~RM 108 . 9. DISPOS~L AUTHORIZATION , Disposal 'or above listed records is authorized; Any deletions or modlt\ca\loM ar" Indicated. ~ '.' '1, ~~OV191991 Director. Division 0' Archive., Hlsto/)' and Records Management Date " STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Division ot Archlv... Hlslory and Records Management Form OS.RM 107 (Rev. 5.82) NOTICE OF INTENT TO DESTROY SCHEDULED RECORDS AND DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE NOTICE NO... +&4 PAGE 1 OF ~ PAGES ,r- 1. AGENCY Cit of Miami Beach 4. ADDRESS (Street, City, and Zip Code) 1700 Convention Center MiaWi Be~ch, FL. 33139 ,f~~ ;~4o~'.:.:,";:~::~~:,:~~ HISTORY I..Adi'" AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT jfP":~~ TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 2. DIVISION Police 3. BUREAU Evidence & Property Unit S. CONTACT (Name & Telephone Number) Natalie L. Harvey (305) 673-7411 Edwin Young 305-673-7960 Drive 6. NOTICE OF INTENTION: The scheduled records listed In Itllm 8 are to be disposed of In the mllnner checked below: :tJ o a. Destrur:t1on c. Othsr o b. Microfilming and Destruction 7. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be disposed of are correctly repres d below and that any audit requirements for the cords h n lull satisfied. ATTENTION: RECORDS MANAGEMENT SERVICES 8. LIST OF RECORD SERIES a. Schedule No. b. lIem No. c. Title d. Inclusive Dates e. Volume f. Destruction Action and Date Completed After Approval BC-2R 68 Evidence Processing Records 5/9/71 25.5. Cu Ft. r- To 1/19/88 ~.., l' ~""; " ''''l ; "." -~;Z ;~_:i A ...-) ",,_,r: ~~,~ r"'_, , <.:r;;' ( .~ '4! ,J' . NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE FORM DS.RM 108 . 9. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION Disposal for above listed records Is authorized: Any deletions or modifications er" Indicated. 10. DISPOSAL CERT!F'C4.TE The above listed records have been disposed of in the manner and on the date shown In column f. r Signature Edwin Young Type Name and Tille Date Supervisor Director, Division 01 Archives, History and Records Management Date Witness