Request 474 - Finance/Revenue STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Division of Archives, History RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQuES NO. and Records Management PAGE / OF / PAGES Form AH3E'07R6-85 /~ ~-~ ~'~ 4. ADDRESS (Streel, City, and Zip C~e) 5. CONTACT (N~me I Teleph'°~':~um~r) ?,..~ lT0e:~Conv~tion C~r Dr. Bill ~n~lez '305-67~7590 ~::'.-~ u'::'~ch, FL 33139 ..... r *": 6. NOTICE OF INTENTION: ..... ~ ''*'~ ~'1~ ~e sch~uled r~ords listed in Item 8 are~to ~ dis~s~ of in the ~ ~::~:;,~ manner ch~k~ ~low: ~i. t~ ..' L..~ ;~ C~ TO: ~ a. Destruction b. Microfilming and Destruction · :: ::::~:E.:r~ ...... ~ DEPARTMENT OF STATE ~ c. Other '- '" :~' ~:~ ::::~ DIVISION OF ARCHIVES, HISTORY ~; ~::~ AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT ; ~' ~.~ 7. SUBMI~ED BY: I hereby ce~ify that the r~o~s 1o ~ disused ...... -. ~:::~'~, TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32~1-~20 ~ <3: c~[~ of am co~ctly rep~e~ ~low and that any audit requlr~e~ Io~e ~cords have ~n fully salisfi~. _ , Signatu~ , ~ . ~. ~ _. Date A~ENTION: RECORDS MANAGEMENT SERVICES ~OD~ ~ac~n~, ~'~anC~ u~C~O~ . Ty~ Name a~ Title ~ ~ ~~ , ,- . // 8.' LIST OF RECORD SERIES d. f. g' a. b. c. . Retention e. Volume Dest~tlon Schedule Item Title 7" (DlviMon Inclusi~ in A~I~ and Date No. No. u~ only) Dates Cu~c F~t C~et~ After ~al (~o~$~ ~a~e~) ~r~ 0~/30/88 (Revenue Input Sheets) 05/27/87 BC-1R2 23a Cash Receipts Records · ~A 09/11/87- 3 cu. ft (Daily Cash Collections) 06/30/ss BC-1R2 23a Cash Receipts Records ~ 10/1/87- 1.5 cu. ft. (Cash Receipts Postings)~ 09/30/88 t0/01/87- 1.5 cu. BC-iR2 2b Accounts Receivable Records 09/30/88 (City Bill Postings) BC-1R2 2c Accounts Receivable Records~a 10/01/86- 4.5 cu.f~. City Bill Blue Copies) ~% 09/30/88 BC-1R2 36a Correspondence (Routine) ~ 10/01/~' 12 cu. ft, (Fire Rescue Returned Mail) TOT~ 57 cu. f~. " · NOTE: FO~ CONIINUATION USE FO~ AH3~108 · 9. DISPOSAL AUTHORI~TION 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE T~ a~e Ilst~ ~o~s have ~n Disposal for above lisled records is authorized, Any deletions or dis~s~ of In the m~nner and on the dmte shown In column g. JUL ~ I ~ WILLIAM GONZALEZ, FINANCIAL ANALYST Ty~ame and TIt~ Director, Division Archives, Hlsto~ Dale ~