Request 476 - Personnel STATE OF FLORIDA DEFA.TME.T OF STATE Division of Library and RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQ~tl~ / Information Services~Yl PAGE OF ~ PAGES Fo~ LS5EIO7R7~ ~. AeENCY 12. mWmON b. auR~d 4. ADDRESS {Street, City, and Zip C~) 5. CONTACT (Name & Telephone Num~r)- ~am~ ~each, ~ 33~39 ~ad7 ~o~ 305-673-7522 8. NOTICE OF INTENTION: ~e sch~uled mco~s listed in Item 8 are to ~ diet,ed of in the manner checked below: ~ ...... TO: ~ a. Deslmctlon ~? b. Microfilming a~ Deetmctl~ ~.,,~.,~ Depadment of State ~ c. Other ~',.,.;~:~ ~ Bureau of Recmds and ~ ~3 ~:~ ~ Information Man~ement 7. SUBMI~ED BY: I hereby cedlly that t~ m~rd~ to ~ dis~ of am co~ctly ~;'. ~ ~.~ Mall Station 9A re~~low, Ihal any I~ requirements for the mc~ds ha~ ~en lully :;...:"~:'~ ,'. :c~,?,,~ ~ The Capitol ~ed, a~ that fudher r~n~on :Is not required tot any Iltigatl~ ~nding a. usT .Eco. s .ms a. ' b. c. Retention S~ule Item Title (Division Inclusive ' In Aal~ ~ Date No. No. use only) Dates Cubic F~t C~ A~er A~al 92. ~ay~o[[ [mp[oyee ~epo~s & Opda~es 68. ~ea~e ~a[a~ce ~epo~s 2.5 D~sca~ed ~o~ 8/5/92 · NOTE: FOR CONTINUATION USE FORM AH3EI~ · 9. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The a~ve Ilst~ DIs~sal for a~ve listed taco,s is authorized. Any deletions or dished of in the manner and on the date shown In column g. ~ JUL a 0 I~ Judy Roth, Administrativ~siscanc W~ Maria Gil