Request 477 - Finance/Resort Tax STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Oivi.zion of LibrJ"y and RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQI~ESTI ~L. NO. 1. AGENCY ~ 2. DIVISION ~ r · BUR~U 4. ADD~ESS (5tmel, City, aM Zip C~) 5. CONTACT (N~ & Teleph~e Num~ 1700 Co~e~t~o~ Ce~te~ D~e A~lta TAompso~ (30~)673-7447 ~laml ~eacA~ F~ 33139 ~atalle ~a~e7 (30~)673-7411 6. NO~CE OF INTE~ON: m~ c~k~ TO: ~ L ~1~ ~ b. Microfilming a~ Del~ ~ ...... Florida Depa~ment of State ~ c. Olh~ ~:j~;,~ ~c"" Bureau of Archives and ~,:~ Records Management 7. SUBMI~ED BY: I ~ ce~il~ that the records to ~ dls~ of am co~ctly :=.~: ~ Mail Station 9A re~nted b~ow, th~ny~it requirements for the ~s h.ve ~n fully ~ ~e Capitol justifl~,~d ~ l~tentlon Is not r~uimd ~ any Iltig~tion ~ndlng C3 or im~A//~ ~ , , ,,:~: ~ T~ll~ssee, FL ~39~A~0 Robert J. Nachlln~or. F~nance Dlrect~ --'* ~. LIST OF RECORD SERIES d. f. I. ' b. c. R~I~ e. Volume ~llJli~ ~h~ull Illin tllll (DI~IJ Inclull~ In A~Io~ I~ DlJl No. No. ' ' ~ ,, BC-iR2 36 Returned Ha~l - Resort Tax ~ 2/89-7/89 1.5 C~ FT 8/5/92 NOTE: AUTHORI~TION Fffi DESTRUCTI~ OF THESE RECORDS APPRO~D PRODDED THE RETENTION RE~IREHENTS BEEN SATISFIED. · NOTE~: FOR ~NTINUATION USE Fo~ DISPOSAL AUTHORI~TION 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The a~ve listed r~o~s h~ ~n Di~I for ~ve listed records is authorized. Any deletions or ~d of in the m~nner ~nd on the d~te shown In column g. Director, Division of Ubra~ O.te and Information Se~ices