Request 479 - Police/Patrol ~4. t~.. . ~'- ':: - ,) C) C:,jTO: Departm.nt of Slat. . -: Bureau of Recorda ...d Information M8neg.m.nt 'I' M.n Station SA -'0 The Capitol ~ T.II.h....., FL 32:!88-9250 a. IURfAU De artment Patrol L CONTACT (fWM. TlkpI\GI.. NUIlIIIIIt. Natalie L. Harvey (,305) 673-7411 Assistant cit tlerk' L Non~ OF IHJENT1OH: The Mflldt6ecl ,...... II.....~ ,... . era .0 bedlapoMCl of In .he _c:MotM""'-': i.~'1.:' NO. 419 'AGE L OF --L PAQE ST .\fl 0.. nolllOA Ol"A",""IHT 0.. STATE 01"._ of Utlnry _ 11tlomwt_ -...- ,_ LSIE'O""_ RECORDS DESI'RUCTlON REQUEST 2~9L, " ~x.. DeetruGdon [1 It. IIIcIafIImlng", DMtrucIIon o e. 0IIw ;:;..... e-,' ~~~~ ..' .. .... .J ...." ,~ '-j -, . . L UST OF RECORD SERIES do g. L . It. e. ........... L o.UUctlon Sehect.... I...... TIIa (DhIaJon ......,.. ActIon and Cate Ho. No... ua. onIyI DeIea Completed Atter Appronl BC-2R 13 Assignment Order (Shift June 87 fl<:<-'fJG- Assignmehts) - to 4.5 cu. f -. ~ '? ..tt~ ~S4 Jan. 91 r BC-2R 4 Activity Report e..&--~ 0~) First Platoon ., April 1.5 cu. f - . to bS4 July 91 J-,J ~ Second Platoon August (j e.. rZ-.z "'I i .",- to 1. 5 --cu. ft 3~; Dec. 90. d-' Iq- A- Activity Report/Monthly January I Stats. i !-';l.t, to ~SJ, July 91 \r 1 \ It Feb.-Jun 1990 and ~~A- Dec. 90 1. 5 cu. f . \L-~\"'-i d-''''3 ~ '1\ ECqwafe:~YR~1&PuJ~O~~.DI . a. JllSi"OSALAU'lHO..... nON ~ ,.......1hIed ~ ,. alldlottzlld. My ......,.._ r5=ndca~ ~OV061. '*--. 0t00tUM.. LInoy ... ............ ~ 0... WI~ r r r CITY OF MIAMI BEACH '.. - TO: Phillip G. Huber Chief of Police DATE: November 13, 1992 FROM: JJ Natalie L. Tooks r10 Assistant City Clerk SUBJECT: RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST Enclosed is your Records Destruction Request Form Number 479 which has been authorized for disposal by the State. After the records have been disposed of, please indicate the date and manner in which they were disposed of in column "g" and sign the disposal certificate (box 10) and forward the original back to this department. Thanks for your cooperation. REB:NLT:nt /'7,3C/'ld- (JMd~/ 'jA~~ . ~fY(/7/'f.~ffJ / . 7JJJ cuJv _ ,1,A dtd'vt~ , A(. rId! M~#W /JJ.J ./-d a [Mlfd!/ / IJ ~t?f,f ib c:' f- tll1 /fIUII<- -/-,. ~ . Mf!<J.4' , ~ 1(tJA,OhW FID fil ItjIS/q. . .~~ . ~FeeVS ;~'~f'-- '-~ Li~M~oa1-~/ ----~~ ~------ ....... 3M