Request 482 - Finance/Resort TaxSTATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Olvilion of LibrMy ina Informltiofl Sorvice- Form LSSE10?RT~6  RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST 1. AGENCY // I 2. DIVISION . J 3. BUREAU CITY OF MIAMI BEAC] /__I_._F_~_~ Reso~ 1700 Convention Center Drippy CLERK'S Dc~T. · Miami, Beach, FL 33139 ~"~" "~" TO: <c:'~ Florida Dopaflment of Tax CONTACT (Nome & Telephone NumbM) Anita ThompsOn (305) 673-7447 Natalie Tooks (305)673-74] ] NOTICE OF INTENTION: Tho ecMdulod recess listed in Item 8 are to bo dl~z~d Mia tho manner checked below: ~ IL DoatflJCffofl r] b. MJoroflJmingam:J OeeW r'l c. othb PAGES ~ Bureau of Archives and c',,~ Records Management 7. SUBMITTED BY: I hMeby certify that the records to be disposed of Ire cM~ctly ~i~ Mall Station 9A represeel~d below, th~']any ~g(llt reqMrementa for the rlcorda hm been fully ":::; The Capitol justified. ~,nd that f~u'rth~r.~4tention is not required for any litigation pending t:;~";~ ATTENTION: RECORDS MANAGEMENT SERVICER Robert J. Nach~~j nanc~ ;~o~:._,L_., . ,y. -.---,,. 8. LIST OF RECORD SERIES ~ Title Inclualve ~ A~tlon ind Date Schedule No. No. BC-1R2 87 BC-1R2 37 BC-IR2 124 bo Item Office Operational and Statistical Reports Records Daily Cash Collection Records Undeliverable Mail (First Class) ~ NOTE:: FOR CON~NUATION USE Fo~ LSSEI~ · O. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION Disposal for above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or ~c:tlon:a:lndlcated' Director, Division of Library ) Date and Information Services !Ret/~tlc DiS# 1/78-9/91 1/86-9/89 1/90-12/91 in Cubic Feet LO. 5 cu. ft 3.5 cu ft .5 cu ft. C~mpleled After ql ofq 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The above listed records have been d~~of in the manner and on the date shown in column g.  Signeture ..... ~- DLte f a Thompson, Financial Analyst II