Request 483 - City Manager STATE OF FLORIOA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Division of Libra~ and Information Services Form LSSE 107R7-88 1. AQENCY City of Miami Beac: 4. ADDRESS (Street, City, and 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 ...~a-~l~ Amy Pinder -- (305)673-7010 ECORDS DESTRUCTION / I[~ ~ . 13. '"// i C~ty Manager's, Office Code) ~$. CONTACT (Name & Telephone Number) I C !'~ CLERK'S DEP1 Florida Department of State Bureau of Archives and By--------"'-'"'--- Records Management Mail Station 9A ~'[~e~ The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 NOTICE OF INTENTION: The scheduled records listed in Item 8 are Io~e disposed of In the manner checked balow: ~'~ a. Destruction [] b. Microfilming and Destruction [] c. Oth~r SU3MI'I'I'ED BY: I hereby certify that the records to be disposed of are correctly represented below, that any audit requirements for the records have been lully justified, and~l~hat iurther r~tion is not required for any litigation pending or Imminen ~ Signaturev Date Type Name and Tiff( ~[~ ......~1 '~ ATTEI~TION: RECORDS MANAGEMENT SERVICES Schedule Item No. No. IBC- ir._ z 31~L 40~ 77~ 81~., 84~ / 105~ 8. LIST OF RECORD SERIES Audit proposals of Redevelopment Routine correspondence Citizen compliants Calendars Telephone logs of staff Memoranda ~ minutes, duplicates Special events correspondence . The endlng d~e has been chang o~der ta me~ rete~ion mq.ulmml · NOTE': FOR CON~NUATION USE Fo~ LSSEI~ · :1 In 9. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION Dlepoaei for above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or modifications are indicated. Director, Division of Library Date and Information Services f. e. Destruction Inclusive In Action and Date Dates Cubic Feet Completed After Approval 1985-87 1 1 20 1982-88 1 1984-89 1 1 1979-88 ~ 2 1985-90 1 1986:~. ~ 1 10. DISPOSAL C~RTIFICATE The above listed recess have been d,.po..d o,/.I, d.,..how. ,. column g. -- ~l~naIum ~ . ~ Da