Request 484 - Police & Fire Pension DEPARTMENT OF STATE ! /r/ ! XC'~ ~] NO. o~.,~, o, .,b,.y ,~d I // RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST / -d~ I · . ~.*o~.cY // /I ~. o~v,s,o~ ' . I ~- ~"~~ 4. ADDR~S (Sl~t, City, ~ ~ C~) ~ $. CONTAC~ (N~ A T~ N.m~r} 1700 Convention ~~rive Natadie T~ks (305) 673-7q;1 Miami B~ch FL 3~139 Celia B. Locke (305) 673-7039 Florida Department of State Bureau of Archives and _. Records Management Mail Slatlon 9A - The Capitol Tallahaesae, FL 32399.0250 8. NOTICE OF INTENTION: The I(dleduled recmds listed in Item 8 Ire to be dl-_p,~___-d of In the manner cbmdmd bdow: ~ s. DeetnJotlo. ~ bo Ulcrotilmfng end Oeetmotlo. ATTENTION: RECORDS MANAGEMENT SERVICt:K Celia ~'. t'~'ocke, Pension Fund . -- typo ~.m...dTI,./~ ~ ~ S. LIST OF RECORD SERIES (,,. '. TItle Iflciueive -----.----hT'"'~ BC-1R; b. Itlnl No. 83B 12B Voice Recording Minutes - Board of Trustees Meeting Ballots- Election for Police and Fire Trustees BC-3R · NOTE': FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LSSEI08 · 9. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION Dhq)old for above listed rmmrds is authorized. Any deletions or APR 1. 5 Date 7. SUBMIITED BY: I hmeby certify that the re~orde to be disposed of ire cofl~otly represented below, tlmt any ludit mquirementl for the records heqm been tully Justified. end that turlber retention is not required for any litigotlofl pending Datll 10/01/89 09/30/90 Director, Division of Library and Information Sendce8 1993 January 1992 ~te tot ~.~ AOtlon mill Date Cubic Feet Conq14eted Alter · 25 put in t rash 5/3/93 1.50 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The above listed records have been dleposnd of in the manner and og.-Jhe datl~lhow- in colum, g./ / . Celia ~. ~_ocke, Administrator/oat.