Request 485 - Mayor/Commission ,,-- STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE . Ol..eion 01 L,llr..., _ Inlonn.lion Sen"e.. Form LS5Et07R7-81 ECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST NO. iff) 5 PAGELOF --!-PAGES Cam1i S. CONTACT (Nama" Talaphone Number) Mf.\R ,6 \993 7 TO: ,:. Florida Department of ~ ""., Bureau of Archives and >T' ""'e----- Records Manegement ' h.. ('..., Mall Station 9A ~:;:;'T.'.1 The Capitol Tallahass.e, FL 32399.Q250 8. NOTICE OF INTEN ON: TIle actIedu.... ~. li.ted In Itam 8 a,. 10 be c118flOMd 0' In tha m_ c:hecfl8d below: '. .'.. AITiZNr:CN: R~CORCS MANACEMENT SERVICES b. Microfilming and D..tructfOft d. L . b. c. Retention a. Schedula Itam Tllla (DMaion lnc/u"M No. No. un only) Oataa BC-1R2 81 ~-1eroranda 10/1/~ ~ 9/30f, . ",.- BC-1R2 3 Adr.ti.nistrative Convenient Reoords 10/1/85 - [)SA 12/31/92 36 Correspondence (Routine) ~fA. 10/1/85 - 9/30/89 ,31 CaI'q?lai."1ts , Citizen CoIlSl.lIOOr or ~t(1t 10/1/86 - Ernn10yeess 9/30/89 BC-IR2 121 Te1ep.l-}one Message Records 1/1/92 - g)S4 12/31/92 Be-1 2c Accounts Paycb1e/Receivab1es Reoo 10/1/85 9/30/89 &>,.a -c I 'P t - I The ending date has been chang order to meet retention requlrem g. o..trucdon ActfOft and Data Compl..... After Approwal 11 26 9 12 1.5 8 . NOTE:: FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LSIlE101 . 9. DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The alloM lI.ted recorda h_ been DI.pool for above 1I.,ed record. I. aulhorized. Any deletion. or dI8pond of In the __ ....d on the date IIhown In cotumn g. modItlatlon. a,. Incllated. ~1Jv ~ JIlAR 0 9 '. SIgnII..... Deta Type Na_ and TItle ,,-- Director, Dlv','on of L1br." and Information Servic.. Dala WIlntI.. ,r r r- CITY OF MIAMI BEACH TO: DATEMarch 19, 1993 Lisette Loughner FROM: Natalie L. Tooks 'O''J] Assistant City Clerk SUBJECT: RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST Enclosed is your Records Destruction Request Form Number 485 which has been authorized for disposal by the State. (Please observe the comments marked on the form by the State.) After the records have been disposed of, please indicate the date and manner in which they were disposed of in column "g" and sign the disposal certificate (box 10) and forward the original back to this department. Thanks for your cooperation. REB:NLT:nt