Request 487 - Revenue/Utility Billing DEPARTMENT OF STATE Division of Library and RECORDS DESTRUCTION REQUEST NO. Information Services .,'PAGE I OF .L Form LSSE107RT.86 PAQES 1. AQENCY ] 2. DIVISION I 3. SURI~'~'"'L City of Miami Revenue Utility Billing 4. ADDRESS (Street, City, and Zip Code) $. CONTACT (Name & Telephone Number) (, 3 0 5 ) 6 / ~ -- / 4 i i 1700 Convention Center.;~R~lU=n Na~lie Tooks, Asst. City Clerk Miami Beach FL 33139 ~IV~V~ Bob King UTB Supervisor (305)673-744C !j2'. C~I Y UL,~,~K'S D~-~,. 6. NOTICE OF INTENTION: ~".[ ~'"*"~ The scheduled re~ords listed in lies 8 ara to be dllpoled of In the .... BAR 1 6 1993 mann. cbe~ked below: ~:~, ,~', ' C:::~, TO: [~ a Deltmction E] b. Microfilming and Destruction u-.u::,~c::::,, ~ Florida Department of Sti.e~-----------' /"'lc Other c,.e. Bureau of Archives and :,,~::: Records Management 7. SUBMITTED BY: I hereby certify abel lbs records to be disposed of are correctly ,..h'.::::~ Mail Station 9A represented below, that any audit requirements for the records have bean fully · ~:,;;x ~ The Capilol justified, and IbM furthlr retention ti sol r~qulred lot any Illlgallon per, ding Tallahasnee, FL 32399*0250 In . ATTENTION: RECORDS MANAGEMENT SERVICES i Bob~pg. U~ility ~illin~ Su/~erv$so~ _ .. ~hedull Item Title (Dldaion Incluaive In Action I~d Dill No. No. uae only) Datea Cubic Feet Completed After Appmvll BC-i[: 78A Nater Meter Service Orders L0/1/88-- ~/30/89 t0/1/aa--' BC-1R.~. 126A Utility Billing Records ~ ~/30/89 10/1/88-- 22.5 BC-lr! 126C Utility Billing Payment Recp~s~9/30/89 · NOTE:: FOR CONTINUATION USE Form LSSE108 · DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The above listed records have been Disposal for above ~t®d records is authorized. Any deletions or dispo~s~in t~e.,,manner and on lha date shown in column g, lIAR 0 9 1993 Bob King Utility Billing Supervisor Director. Division of Library Date ~TA--'~,~~'e ~/~: ~ ~--////"~/~ "~ and Information Services W'J~'aa ' [ / ·