Request 490 - City Manager TO: Florida Departmsnt of SIsle Bureau of Archivas and Records Msnsgement Mail Station gA The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250 '~TENTION: RECORDS MANAGEMENT SERVICES 10~ 1 PAQES 8. NOT~CE OF INTENTION: The scheduled records listed in Item 8 ire to(be dlipoled of In the maimer checked below: [] L Deitm~tlmt ~] b. Mk:mfllmingind DeltnlCtion [] c. Other 7. SUiIIITrED BY: I hereby ¢lrli/y that the records to be disposed ol Ire correctly repmlentid below, thlt any ludit requimmeml for the records hive been luily jusdlled. Ind t~het lurtber r)i~ntion ii not required tor Iny litlgltlon pending Signlture D~te 8. UST OF RECORD SERIES Schedule No. BC1R2 BC1R2 BC152 Item No. 100b 8la 3la Title Project Files/Public Facilities Trust Memoranda Complaints, Citizens The ending date has been order to meet retention · NOTE': FOR CONTINUATION USE Form/$_K~_106 · DISPOSAL AUTHORIZATION Disposal for above listed records is authorized. Any deletions or nNxIiflcetionl em indicated. Director. Division o! Library and Information Services Date Inctulive In Ditel Cubic Feet 10/86-9/89 4 1/90-12/90 2 Aotlon and Date Comldeted After 10. DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE The ilmve listed records hive been / t y. ..m. ~ n,,.